Senior Day and Home Finale 2pm v Indiana GET THE WORD OUT


All American
Apr 6, 2006
I think we deserve to send our Seniors out with a bang.

Not only will it help with an NCAA host bid, but I think that our Senior class this year deserves to go out with a packed house at the RAC

get the word out!

Tickets are as low as 10 dollars buy em for your friends! buy them for your family

There's no wrestling and no men's game that day, which means no excuses!

Our girls are the best RU team we have right now and they deserve a sellout for Senior Day

here's a link to buy tickets

RU v Indiana 2pm March 1st
Originally posted by shields:

I would go more but to me $10 to park is a joke.
okay, we get it, you think it's too expensive. I think it's high, too, but it comes across as nothing but whining if you have to post the same thing twice in the same thread. how much do they charge to park at men's bball?
Back to the topic of the thread.

Let's get the word out and bring a bunch of people to honor Essy, Betnijah, Christa. (I thought Alexis Burke said she was returning).
Originally posted by RUClassof67:
Back to the topic of the thread.

Let's get the word out and bring a bunch of people to honor Essy, Betnijah, Christa. (I thought Alexis Burke said she was returning).
I had not heard if Alexis Burke was graduating/being honored

anyone know?

I'll be bringing at least a group of 4 but I've got some friends I'm hoping to convince to come along
Stop Complaining. If you can't afford $10, go with three friends and share the cost. We are in the BIG 10 and need to compete. Give up a movie, or a Starbucks. I bet most folks are savings at least $10 on the price of gas. We showcase some of the best women's BBall in the nation and no one shows up. Is the reason really ten dollars for parking ? Or do only a few of us die-hard really care about the program ?
I have been saying this for years--any Rutgers fan who gets season tickets for more than one sport should get FREE parking for basketball or wrestling.
While I agree that $10 is "steep", pre-paid parking was very worth it for us when we were in NJ. Liked knowing where we were going to be parking and that it was close to the arena.

In fact, one of our few complaints out here is that there is no season parking for WBB or Softball; now, it is possible to get free parking (if you are willing to walk) and for some games $4.00 or $5.00 first come / first serve parking is available (but, lines can be slow). But you really don't know where you will be parking and day games are restrictive because the lots are reserved for students and staff (no visitors).

Posted by Doug
Originally posted by bac2therac:
Be aware that snow may start to develop during the game
and if so, I'll blame you and RU #'s.


I don't want to miss this game, so I booked a room so at least I don't have to drive an hour north in the snow tomorrow evening. (Game ends at 4, but there's a post-game reception that many of us will be attending.)
Good idea...hope everyone has safe travels...snow will start in the noon to 2 timeframe but be light at first...heaviest figures to be 4-7 before change to ice and hopefully just plain rain
I'll drive to the game in the snow, but not home in the snow and the dark. Will play it by ear. Or eye.
I will be missing my first senior day in 21 years because of not snow but the flu. Darn it.
Originally posted by Scarletwoman:
I will be missing my first senior day in 21 years because of not snow but the flu. Darn it.

Sorry that you have to miss it. Feel better soon!
Thanks DMD, I really hope I can make it to Chicago. Not looking good unless the next two days will be better.
Feel better, Scarletwomen.

It is 8:30 in the morning and the hourly forecast for Piscataway calls for snow beginning at 2:00. I swould guess we drive home in an inch, maybe a little more (no overtome, please.) Fortunately there won't be any rush hour traffic. I suggest backing into your parking place so it is easier to exit the parking lot.

Good luck to the team and safe travels for all!!