Speechless, Hurt, Agry & Tired


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jun 24, 2001
Rutgers & NJ @ Heart
Always will be a SCARLET Knight...they're in my will.

But this is beyond belief. We have a QB who doesn't have a cannon (Paging Jerry Kill, the genius).
He throws 35 yards across the field / is picked.

Perhaps the dink / dunk approach is all we can expect. But why did Kill stop the MOmentum by inserting Lewis when Bolin, Martin / Gus were eating up chunks? WTF was that?

Why didn't Kill emphasize to this 5th year Grad transfer in the last 20+ can't lose yards- and you must allow for a FG attempt. Isn't that F'ing obvious?

This sucks. Maybe, tOSU, Michigan a PaternoKnew State will set a record when they play us this year. I'm not feeling the love....but I'm seeing a really ugly mess, that Flood, Hermann et al left us...and we're stuck with the Ashes.

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Sadly team was unprepared, flat, (why?) sloppy = penalties, strategy was awful as was time management. Looking more and more that Ash is waaaaaay over his head.