Stirling ShopRite is the new Subway

So many possibilities here. So, so many.
Right? The response I'd posted just instantly appeared in my brain without thinking. But a second later, a ton of different possible funny meanings started occurring to me.

There's something very, very wrong with me. 😀
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Shop Rite digital coupons have the potential to ruin my marriage. Love everything else about the store. $$$$
Shop Rite generally has the best deals/prices. What’s up with the digital coupons though? Temptation to over buy? Don’t give in - we all saw what happened to Kramer with the Beef-a-Reno or whatever it was. 😁
Shop Rite generally has the best deals/prices. What’s up with the digital coupons though? Temptation to over buy? Don’t give in - we all saw what happened to Kramer with the Beef-a-Reno or whatever it was. 😁
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