Ridiculous. Have been fortunate to attend many of the away games. PSU has far more Winnebagos and try getting a hotel anywhere close to State College. Nebraska the hotels are packed the day before and literally thousands walked to the game from town. And it wasnt only students. And Spare me the highway driving tales of woe. Far more difficult navigating New Jersey Traffic than Hours on Route 80 where boredom is your primary worry. At Wisc & OSU hotels are packed the day before. Simply no real need for that in NJ. Far more winnabagos at Michigan and Illinois. Guarantee you RU has the highest percentage of fans arriving day of the game. Not winnebagos and not in hotels in town the night before. Hardly a myth!!!
What the hell is with this Winnebago crap? This is like the 8th time I've seen someone post that here.
I have been to approximately 200 B1G games in my life, and most of the league schools, and have never one time, EVER, observed a Winnebago or other recreational vehicle, anywhere, at any point in time, on the day of a game. I have never been to PSU so I will take your word for it that it is the RV capitol of the world on a fall Saturday. That is absolutely not the case in Iowa City, Madison, Lincoln, Champaign, or anywhere else in the West.
Iowa has 70,000 fans at every single game (OK, 65,000 since our attendance has been down lately).
In the entire area here there might be enough hotel rooms for a couple thousand people. MAYBE. And a few hundred of those rooms are gong to the visiting team, coaches, and support staff. Not to mention the Iowa team themselves since they all stay in hotel rooms the night before a home game. There are 60-67,000 or so fans (depending on if it's a sellout or not) driving to the game THE MORNING OF, from hours away. Many people leave at 4:30 in the morning just to get a decent parking spot.
Spare me this woe is me crap. You are not special in any way, shape, or form.
Yeah, Lincoln has maximum hotel occupancy on a game weekend. Know why? Because there are hardly any rooms, that's why. And for good reason, because they would sit absolutely vacant for the 360 non-football Saturdays each year. You think they build thousands and thousands of hotel rooms to only get 6 days of use out of them a year (12 days if you count a 2-night minimum)?
It's the same thing in State College. THERE AREN'T ANY ROOMS THERE, that's why you can't get one on a Friday before a game, not because 20,000 some-odd people are staying over. Why do you think it is that crappy hotels in Ann Arbor and East Lansing can charge $300 a night for a Super 8 (I know, because I've stayed there)?
You know next to nothing about this conference or how it operates. There are goat herders in Outer Mongolia that are more clued in than you are.