Towers: "I'm With Steve (Politi)," i.e., give the man what he wants...


Jul 27, 2001
Metuchen, NJ
SIAP, but here's a tweet from Jeff Towers earlier today. I see no reason why Greg coming back to RU won't happen - it just makes sense. Not based on any inside info, just logic, as Greg is simply asking for things other mediocre B1G programs already have and we need if we want to be a player in the B1G. I hate that we have to spend that kind of money, but we don't have much choice, IMO, unless we want to go back to the AAC.
We want RU FB to win but we don’t want to make the financial investment to do so.

Isn’t that why we are in last place in P5?

It started the day RU went big time many years ago and continues today.

Greg is doing RU a favor by asking for capital investments that are needed to win.

Whether RU hires him or not imo.
Why? At this point don't the basketball and wrestling programs have their ivory tower? Barnabas Center is built.

Just wondering how one of the biggest BB fans on the board thinks. I know there was a feeling other sports suffered last time around while Greg made his demands.
Why? At this point don't the basketball and wrestling programs have their ivory tower? Barnabas Center is built.

Maybe for now...but the RAC us 42 years old and seating has contracted, not expanded. 30% of the seating or more is pretty crappy.
Not saying the RAC isn't or can't be a great place to play...but for fans its gotten old and unattractive up top.
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Just wondering how one of the biggest BB fans on the board thinks. I know there was a feeling other sports suffered last time around while Greg made his demands.
I've seen this concern on the basketball board. My thinking this isn't the Big East and we aren't making $6mil. any longer. At that time there was no choice but to have the have's and have nots. But they turned Rutgers football a money loser, into Rutgers Football a money generator. Now we're back to Rutgers football hemorrhaging money. Changing that should be priority number 1 right now and in the end will benefit all sports.
Probably a lot is my guess. It’s going to take a lot more than a donation from him and his wife.

If we ever want to consistently be big time in a lot of sports we need buy in from the BOG, more mega donors and thousands more low-mid level supports.

Sure will.
Just wondering how one of the biggest BB fans on the board thinks. I know there was a feeling other sports suffered last time around while Greg made his demands.

BB just got a $100M practice facility. They have zero room to complain about anything. It’s time to feed the football cash cow.
Ok sports fans.. there are those that think we can do better than Greg. Probably, maybe, but not if a guy like Greg is pointing out the obvious about what we need to COMPETE like a Big Boy program.

Enough of the chicken shit “Waa we want everything but holee smolee what? You mean we have to PAY FOR IT?!?” Bullspit attitudes!

It’s time to Sh1t or get off the god damned pot!


Pay the man and be done with it! If he doesn’t produce then he’ll be held to the same standards as any other coach.

Those that whine Greg didn’t do this, didn’t win that seem to selectively forget that if not for him WE ARE NOT IN THE B1G!!

And, AND it’s syllogistic logic to assume that we wouldn’t have got BETTER in the B1G had he not left for the NFL. I mean sh1t, Elmer Freakin Flood beat MICHIGAN and got to 8 wins WITH Greg’s recruits AND if not for Pernetti saving that class? Let’s not forget the class coming in was BETTER BEFORE he left for Tampa! What if they had stayed? Oh, shoot, there’s those pesky FACTS again!!

Fluckin’ A Bubba!
Towers is probably the only donor that could single handedly pay for his demands on his own.
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Those other sports stunk before greg and stunk after greg

Wrestling stunk after? Women's soccer? Women's basketball.

Other than XC and perhaps volleyball, name a team that hasn't improved when you account for the higher level competition they face week in and week out?
For Rutgers (football especially) it real is time to shit or get off the pot...we wanted and lucked into this conference (it certainly was not achievement driven)...if the institution does not give it a real shot...we should just accept our place move to a different level of competition.

We are in arguably the toughest division in CFB (as tough as the SEC west)...shit or get off the pot RU
Belichick might have hired G.S. But he also let him go 3 weeks later. What does that tell you?
Wrestling stunk after? Women's soccer? Women's basketball.

Other than XC and perhaps volleyball, name a team that hasn't improved when you account for the higher level competition they face week in and week out?
Actually volleyball has improved.