thats quite provocative
We know that he invited at least one BC kid let's let TH deal with this as we have seen what happens when fans get involved in this
We know that he invited at least one BC kid let's let TH deal with this as we have seen what happens when fans get involved in this
who was the bc kid?
he's a freshman at 6'5 250... That's good size for a freshmanwho was the bc kid?
if the implication hrre is ash did not invite any bc kids, bravo!
#MendTheFence?Message is clear, you want to play for RU, you should transfer from BC to Bosco or one of the other schools or you can just go to Boston College if they offer you. In my opinion, BC is the one that has to start mending the fence with RU not the other way around. Based on junior day, there are plenty of great players in NJ without having to cater to BC.
This has gone right over my head. Did I miss something? What is going on between RU and BergenCatholic?
You can see it on the link, but remember he is in 9th not really about who he is.
GSGS -- One kid making a stupid move (probably for his 'dream school') results in scratching off a High School? I can't believe Ash would be so short sighted, especially if the HS had little to do with the kid's decision. Could it be that BC had no worthwhile Juniors (assuming sophs and frosh are not invited)? Is there bad blood between BC and RU?
John Tsimis idiot.
The power of a comma. [laughing]DrMike,
For your 1st post you shouldn't be calling John Tsimis an idiot, that's not nice.
I know, right? I can't look away.This thread is a train wreck in progress