Those people dont exist. Thats the point. They arent close to existing.The $100 million, or whatever the cost would be to start hockey would largely come from people donating specifically to a Rutgers hockey team. The athletic department isn't coming up with that on their own, so no they wouldn't be spending $100 million to make $2 million a year, and a hockey team could be profitable too so you have to add that to the BTN payout.
To put it more bluntly. It took us 7 years to riase $1 billion for the WHOLE UNIVERSITY. ANd you think we can raise 10% of that for one sport that we dont even have right now in any reasonable amount of time.
ANd you think that we would be better off taking that money for hockey rather than trying to convince those people to spend it on sports we do have (the I will only donate to hockey guy is more or less a myth.)
Upstream - naive is a good word for it. Like the poeple who backed the RU PAC that never happened. Raising $100 million is tough at RUtgers. Its going to be tough to do it to build much needed improvements to popular sports like FB and BB.
I kind of wish they would get it off the ground though - so when a year from now theyve raised $30,000 or whatever, they can finally put the idea to rest. They seem to think there are just people with MILLIONS of dollars who are just dying to give it away to Rutgers but ONLY for Hockey, when in fact there really are only a couple dozen people who want to give millions of dollars to Rutgers for anything, and those willing to give to athletics specifically is probably in the literal handful range.