Why should any current Big Ten school take a pay cut to bring on new membersThey are potential partners for UCLA/USC and prevent them from being lone outposts. IMO, out of the remaining PAC12 schools they're the next most desired. Stanford biz wise isn't up there but they might be on the list because of ND.
I've posted a couple articles that aren't so enthusiastic about Oregon/Washington biz wise and cite former Fox sports president and another industry source both who think they don't bring enough to the table to not make the B10 schools have to reduce their size of the pie a little bit. Tweeners one called them. Solutions to that were the B10 schools take 5-6M less each or Oregon/Washington prolong their revenue share timeframe to get up to a full share.
You can say they don't bring anything but they are the best of the rest out west. IMO, it's not Colorado, Arizona, ASU, Utah, Cal etc...Unless you're willing to leave UCLA/USC out there alone (which I don't think is the long term strategy of the B10) sooner or later you have to choose 1-3 schools from the west to be partners for them.
I've said before it's not just market or it's not just brand, it's both and every school brings some combo of each side of the equation to evaluate. Evaluating both sides of that equation for each remaining western candidate, IMO Oregon/Washington are the best of the bunch. Stanford is lower down the list but because of ND you never know. ND coming might allow university presidents ("academic snobs" for lack of a better term) to lean in more on the academic fit side of the equation vs the biz fit side of the equation.