For those asking for my portion of the Pre-Game to be removed, all I can say is: when the program feels that my time with them is done, then I will look back on nearly a decade of work and be proud.
I attempted to, but understand that pleasing each and every fan is nearly impossible.
I've taken requests and suggestions and repeatedly receive primary blame for in-game music.
I've never once snapped back at people... even those that have called for my "kidnapping."
I'm in the business of sports entertainment and I attempt to understand and please all of those involved... from the players and coaches, to the recruits and fans.
At least be proud that Rutgers was the 1st collegiate program to start something that other programs and professional football teams are now following.
And for the person who commented with "This is the B1G Ten" I find it a bit amusing that the fans, players, coaches and staff of the B1G as well as Indiana Sports Corp who has hosted the 2014 and 2015 B1G Ten FCS received me well with a positive response instead of the negative.
I've been a DJ for 20 years in April and in a sports entertainment capacity since 2002.
I wanted to do something special with and for my alma mater and I feel that we've accomplished that.
To those that have appreciated what we do, thank you.
For those that don't, then I'm sorry that I was unable to engage you and provide you with a positive memory and experience.
Should the program still require my services, then I'll look forward to being a part of production for 2016...
Should they look elsewhere, then I'll be in the stands as a fan.
That's all I can say about it. Again, if you have complaints or suggestions, I'm all about transparency.