Not giving RU a pass, and it certainly has done some things that deserved to be called out, but not that loudly or in such an ongoing way. No way should it be the laughingstock of college sports in a climate that has storied programs making up classes, playing dumb while players get paydays, and committing all forms of other violations to protect their golden eggs. It's fkn ass backwards, and that's the fault of the NJ media vultures.
I don't understand. Sure, negative stories get you a couple of days/weeks of interest, but an RU rising to its potential gives you much more, imo. RU was a great national story in 2006, and everyone benefitted - the state got a brief reprieve from being a chronic butt of jokes, local media had a year worth of positive, compelling stories, etc. And yet the media remains hellbent on ensuring that type of success never happens again. F them.