Who among us unfollowed Geo?

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you lie.. the people throwing insults and starting threads just to insult went both ways.. but here you are rewriting history, spinning things to pretend it was conservatives that dragged the board down. to your way of thinking,, no charge against Trump can be defended. He did not collude with Russia.. but, hey.. if you defend Trump on that it means you "blindly support the current occupant of the White House. That's BS.

here's the real truth about the CE board...

when Bush was in office the liberals pounded him daily.. and conservatives defended him when they agreed with him

when Kerry ran the liberals insisted he would win and mocked everyone who said otherwise

a lot of liberals left the board almost as if they had moved to Canada as so many promised. they left the board because they were wrong and disappointed and couldn't stand seeing other opinions.

when Obama won there was a short time where everyone recognized it as a historic moment.. but then Obama started being Obama and conservatives pounded him daily and liberals defended him. Some liberals came back to the board to gloat. By 2012 many liberals had shown up to start a war of mockery against what they called the right-wing circle jerk.

See how that worked.. their liberal friends left the board when Kerry lost.. leaving more conservatives there.. so then they say it is a RWCJ because more conservatives are there.

During the Trump-Hillary race the liberals insisted she would win and mocked anyone backing Trump.. or even the "ANYONE BUT HILLARY" vote.. but this time it wasn't simple mockery.. it was coupled with charges of being racists and fascists.

I think it was the liberals who dragged the board into the gutter.. some conservatives followed to fight in the gutter. But the liberals did it... and got what they wanted with that tactic. it is shut down.

Can you please elaborate?
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