So you don't have the answers or choose not to respond. Got it. Don't come on here scolding people & then run away or act like you're above them when they ask questions & try to have a rational discussion with you.
I'll scold whoever I want, whenever, however I wish. If you can't stand getting called out like that, you are the one with the problem, not me. But I'll play hard ball with you to set your tail exactly where it needs to be.
1) Your comments prove you are another of the Joisey Complainers. You'll whine and moan, but you won't put any money where your big mouth is. I'll be sure to remember that going forward. Rutgers Athletics knows there is a major problem with Sodexo and the food at the concessions stands. They have known that since the middle of the 2013 season. But it is hardly just the "food" that is the issue. The staff who prep and serve the food are equally at fault. If you are so upset with the quality of what you buy, open your mouth at them and let
them know how you think. Or is that frightening to you? Oh yeah, your opinion is that the staff behind the counter can't heat the food to the proper temp. But "the administration" can make it hotter sitting behind their desks 6 AM - 10 PM, M-F.
2) So when was the last time you invited Bob Barchi, Pat Hobbs, Sarah Baumgartner, Geoff Brown, and the rest of the senior staff to your seats for a chance to see just how horrible things are in your mind and eyes? According to you, you "donate thousands of dollars each year & have season tickets & parking for multiple sports". If you are dumping over $10k per sport and more in for academics, I'm sure they'll come running right over. But if you're under that number and just whining, your screen name is just going in with all the others who are a Joisey Complainer. Face facts, you want change, pay for it, like real donors at real P5 Conference schools do.
3) "Rutgers should've selected a better food vendor or negotiated better terms, maybe even an out clause, & should hold any food vendor to some level of food quality standards." You do remember that this contract was negotiated back in 2012, right?
3 ADs ago! All you've done every single year is whine and moan and complain about how you don't like the food and the food is too expensive. But you never bring together a group who will actually resolve the matter in support of Athletics. Yeah, that's up to Athletics to magically do on their own. Typical Joisey Complainer.
4) "People seems to like the Livingston Dining Hall food, so it appears that our own Dining Services may have been better for this." You do realize that Dining Services was significantly upgraded over the last three years, right? And you also realize the place being discussed is Henry's Diner, not Tillet, right? Or do you just like to cherry pick what you are going to use in your Joisey Complaining? For someone who "donates thousands of dollars year year" you sure are out of touch with what is going on around campus.
5) "Rutgers should also use a POS system. They just signed a deal with a company to use a POS system in the Audi Club but not stadium wide, which doesn't make much sense." Haven't you ever heard of a shake-down season? Damn, boi, you are proving just how stupid you really are. At one point you are moaning and complaining about a contract that went throughout all venues instead of having a shakedown at one of the smaller locations like Yurcak or Bainton. Now you want a POS to go stadium-wide just because you want it? Jeez!
6) The contract fee with any new provider is based on how many venues will be managed and the food and services to be provided. This is hardly just about the stadium. But I understand that is difficult for you to comprehend.
In the future, do try harder to actually think before you type. It will help you to look smarter than you appear right now.