You act like it was an awful penalty kick. It wasn’t struck bad by any means, and her not scoring had nothing to do with not having an attempt this year.
Casey had an attempt this year and missed. Was it bad to have her go?
I'm not blaming the kid, I'm blaming coach, period. IMHO - OPINION - it's a bad call to have a kid take her FIRST PK, in the NCAA's, as the deciding kick no-less.
..we're still allowed to have opinions around here, right?
Not when they are wrong!
Of course I’m kidding. You’re allowed your opinion. There are just too many hypotheticals to blame the coach in this one in my opinion. There aren’t that many PKs to go by in a year from play. These girls practice them almost daily, though, and then you add in fatigue, who’s on the field, who’s hurt, etc