Rutgers is 6-3 in B1G when Ace and Dylan are both healthy
- Men's Basketball
- 98 Replies
plus Dylan and Ace not being as good of a college basketball players as people think. They are wonderful offensive players, but defense is 50% of the game.I could quibble here or there with this post, but GENERALLY I think you’re correct in terms of the different versions of this team that we have seen over the course of the year.
Boiling it down — Pike probably made a mistake in giving Derkack, Hayes, and Martini so many minutes in November and December, and in not playing at least Grant more minutes. Combine that with Ace getting his sea legs in college ball, and Pike trying to incorporate 7 new players (9 minus Grant and Dortch, who he was keeping on the bench), and you have a mess in the first 10 games.
Just when it looked like things were SOMEWHAT coming together (against Columbia), the very next game Dylan goes down with the flu and can’t play at Indiana. That illness derailed whatever progress had been made up to that point.
I won’t summarize what ensued thereafter, but the bottom line is that a combination of factors has led to 14-14, and “injuries/illnesses to Ace and Dylan” stand equal with “poorly constructed supporting cast” and “questionable coaching decisions” as the main culprits.
We are more 14-14 because we are a 14-14 team.