OT: NJ Property Tax Relief Applications

I assumed that the Stay in NJ was automatic, the article I read last year did not indicate that we have to apply for this Stay in NJ.

I just went through the process of submitting an application for NJ Freeze, Anchor, and Stay NJ The good news is that it's one combined application although each program has different eligibility requirements But be aware that you will need to set up an account if you don't have one. That means you will have to submit photos of the front and rear of your driver's license and (at least for me) one other identity document. I then got to speak via video call to a young man who verified my information. Then I got to the actual application. You will need a copy of your 2023 and 2024 tax returns and your property tax bill showing block and lot. Take a deep breath before starting because it is a long process even for those of us who have gotten NJ Anchor benefits in the past. The deadline is October 31. Do your income taxes first, and then you'll be able to cope with the application.

For most homeowners over 65, the big one is Stay NJ, which will reimburse 50% of property taxes up to $6500 for those with household income under $500,000.

OT: Your stories of a brush with famous people.

Met Mickey Mantle signing autographs back in early 80s in Toms River at the opening of a new store. Nice guy. Was in Vegas and on an elevator, doors open, and it’s Anna Nicole Smith with a couple bodyguards and a tv crew filming for her old tv show. The bodyguards just said “get out”. The former Yankees GM Gene Michael used to play alot of poker at the Borgata. I thanked him for the late 90s dynasty. James Caan was also at table next to me at Borgata playing NL hold about 10 years ago. He was very nice to everyone around, I didn’t bother him.
I played 20/40 limit hold ‘em a couple of times with Michael. Really nice guy but extremely quiet at the table. One time he was seated on my immediate left, wearing a Yankees warm-up jacket and a big WS Champions ring…a few times over the course of the afternoon players from around the room would come over to look at him or approach to greet him. He seemed to be getting a just little bit annoyed with it. The whole time was just thinking to myself, maybe don’t wear things that scream “I’m Gene Michael” and they won’t bother you. I did get a laugh out of him when he sucked out on me in a big pot and I dryly said, “I always like Bud Harrelson more”.

I’ve played poker with a few famous people. A great way/place to interact with them just being themselves. Razor Ruddock was a classic case of don’t judge a book by its cover. Super intimidating looking but a joyful, gregarious guy the one time I played with him.
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Pike rehabilators - please, please STOP

Guuess you forget an under .300 percentage Eddie Jordan?
No tournament bids for 30 years?
A Covid Year knocking us out of a tourney?
UConn and their classy coach who RU helped immensely (When was the last time a Hurley helped Ru?) winning a Natty with our starting point guard?
RU getting hosed out of a bid two short years ago?
RU playing a play in game against ND when it probably should have been Indy?
Many of you whining were perfectly fine with giving up a home game to the Garden?
Many of you ripped Simpson to high heaven and that JMike was the 2nd coming of Allen Iverson?
Pike’s fault we couldn’t stop Bama for buying Cliff?
Pikes’s fault Acuff broke his foot?

