Ace Bailey helps Rutgers hold off UCLA


I trust that the coach knows whether or not someone is ready. And at this point, it's best for the kid to preserve 4 years of eligibility.
This is not the argument…

1. Pike sat on Grant for half the season despite him clearly having some skills this team desperately needs

2. Preserving anyone for 4 years is a waste given the transfer environment.

GAME 17 UCLA: Team Win

Granted it was because Dylan was sick, but you can't lose at home to Wisconsin. Combine that with the KSU and Princeton losses and the hole is just too big. How do we make up those 3 losses and finish strong when we have Michigan twice and a whole bunch of road games? Stealing the next two away games at Nebraska and PSU would make up for two of those losses, but that's a huge ask.

I would love for this to not age well but just look at our remaining schedule. It's brutal.
Any miracle run is going to require not only defending home court rest of the season, but winning a bunch of road games

Nebraska and PSU are winnable... let's go on a run. A young talented team with momentum and confidence is dangerous

Dylan is only getting healthier and we know what he can do

Ace has becomes a much better rebounder and defender. His shot selection last night was the best all season

Grants and Acuff with bigger roles changes team dynamics

Lathan much improved post defense and intensity. Rebounding much better as well

Almost impossible for the role players in general to play as bad as they did during the losing streak

Under control JWill off the bench. Much better when he isnt forcing it. Like many of the players, pick your spots
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GAME 17 UCLA: Team Win

Excellent review.

Funny almost taking how good Dylan and Ace are for granted. Ace another double double as freshman with 20 points and 10 rebounds. Ho hum? Lol! Mind boggling.
Dylan with 18 pts, 4 rebs, 4 assists. Just incredible.

Thought JWill was the key to the game with the spark off the bench with fast quick smart athletic drives and the reverse layups. For what seems like the first time in a few years, for someone not named Dylan Harper, we were actually making layups. Reminded me of JWill when he first arrived last year.

The two headed center worked yesterday. Sommerville and Ogbole combining for 14 rebounds. I think we all see the potential Sommerville has and have to believe he will the focal point of our offense next year. Ogbole has taken a lot of justifiable heat on this board but he is also slowly but surely improving(Is it enough?). Yesterday 2 out of three shooting and 5 rebounds was a very nice little game.

The importance of outside shooting!! Although Acuff and Martini did not have great statistical games, each hitting a big three were factors in the game. UCLA had to account for the possibility. Perhaps even more importantly, the body language of both they were confident and capable that they could hit the three and I think spread to their teammates.

Finally JMike going 4-4 from the line was a revelation and more importantly again the confidence. These weren’t the typical foul shots that bounced off the front iron then the back iron and plopped in but confident Cam/ Derek/Mack/Billet swishes. Big points in game too.

Myles’ RUCLA shirt was clever but did look more UCLAish than Rutgersish. Glad he sat behind the RU bench.

Maybe it was good luck to move Todd Frazier across the arena.

Schiano looked good and appears that he lost weight.

Fred Hill Jr was in the house. Thought he deserved a shot out.

Think it’s cool that the Governor and his wife attend so many games.

Negatives: Two biggies!!!

Foul Shooting was again atrocious. We hit our foul shots this isn’t a close game. UCLA was 12-15 and it kept them in the game. Thankfully we were clutch and improved in the end game but 21-31 is not good enough and will hurt us on the road.

Why do we start out so flat? A brand new starting lineup and we still come out so so flat. 7-0?? It has hurt us all year and we have been unable to make up the deficits most of the time. Takes the RAC crowd right out of the game and expend so much effort to get back into the game. It will kill us on the road. Love Pike and I’m a fan but maybe not taking warmups serious enough. Have to try something different. Slow starts way too often.

Know must be gut wrenching for UCLA and feel for them… But it’s still a win over UCLA at the RAC/Jersey Mikes.

Go RU and beat Nebraska!
Twice in a row in NJ over UCLA.
Last time (1981) they were #2 and it was the first college hoops game at the meadowlands
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