If Rutgers goes 19-15, I think we get a bid.

This is not correct. 20-15 is .571. 19-14 is .576.

Ok - nevermind. I did it fast this AM heading out the door. The concept I was driving at still stands though I think because on equal total game count pre-tournament it would actually be 17-14 vs 18-13 and then a comparison of 18-14 vs 20-15.

The point I was getting at with this though is simply that if 17-14 vs 18-13 is what “counts”as your record well then, that means it’s actually the case that a home game vs. Monmouth has more meaning to the committee (since it’s part of the original 17 wins) than a neutral BIG tournament game. My contention is the tournament games ought to at least “count” as much as the pre-season home tune ups if the advanced metrics from the games count in NET.

OT: Stock and Investment Talk

GOOG PE 23 MSFT PE 32 META PE 27 and I’m still cautious. Yes, some stocks on this board are speculating but I’m sure they are only putting in a small amount.

Added to AMZN, CRM, and GOOG.
Be careful looking at PE’s when a lot of the money spent by these companies has been capitalized, not expensed. In many cases, capitalized costs end up being amortized quicker, or written down. If that happens, earnings could change quickly.
