The 2025 Grammy's had the lowest ratings in years despite the Lamar, Beyonce, Carpenter hype. If the Jay-X army loses ratings on free TV during Super Bowl week I can't see it helping at the SB itself much. People watch the SB mostly for the game.
I think a reason for preponderance of rap is the ease of creating it. Its easier and cheaper for labels to find some kid who plays no instrument to rhyme his way over a bass track. Most lyrics are about the same things with some word play and double entendres taken to mean deep intelligence. The boy bands that created earnings are suspiciously gone and girls are big on K-Pop music and TV series
I see new rock is mostly dead and to be honest I was never a rocker so I'm not upset. However the money in music biz is in tours and the top grossing tours all-time and for 2024 have no rappers. Truth is there isn't much money in rap itself and rappers use their image to sell overpriced stuff. They are just influencers really. Bruce, Taylor and Elton dont need to sell clothes and sunglasses to be rich - the music does it.
I watched Travis Scott and his voice is all electronic with a bunch of CG and animation - empty calories. I confess I do like listening to Tekashi 6ix9ine talk ("Only things I fear are God and the FBI") but the rap is same ole slurs and posturing with puppies and rainbows braids.
Ratings for the Grammy Awards dipped from last year, despite the nail-biting tension of whether Beyoncé would win album of the year and a surprise appearance by The Weeknd.
The Top 10 highest-grossing music world tours for this year have been revealed, along with how much they made. Check it out here.