OT: Super Bowl LIX - Game Thread
- By zappaa
- Rutgers Football
- 498 Replies
Should NFL executives support a half time performance at the Super Bowl geared expressly for people under 40?Dude you are so wrong. Respectfully you are absolutely clueless on this subject.
There isn’t a form of music that has the storytelling that Rap music has these days. Kendrick is one of the great poets in all of music, every song he tells a story.
There’s certainly a bunch of idiot mumble moron rappers who just smash words together that rhyme with no rationale, these people are trash. But that’s not Kendrick.
You can say you don’t like rap music, that’s ok. But rap music is far and away the most popular type of music to listen to for the under 40 population, and it’s not going away.
The days of the old rock star who’se last hit came out 40 years prior playing the Super Bowl are over man.
Is there no Whitney Houston like singing talent popular today in the Black community?
Taylor Swift is enormous, she’s not rap