He can pick his 1st choice to be Livingston, but he seems to like the action of college ave. Although he is a huge RU bball fan, so would be fun to live on Livingston.
Here is another thing - I can't believe the workout gyms have not been updated since 1998. College Ave gym still in that crowded basement with 4 treadmills. Livingston gym also tiny. JMU's Rec center was AMAZING... 40+ treadmills, tons of workout equipment, brand new basketball courts, swimming pool that was hang out area. I was amazed. It looks like a bigger, newer Lifetime Fitness. If you live in VA, it is no brainer to go there.
I know Sonny Werblin is much nicer and more modern (we have to go back to see), but he won't have any classes on Busch, so wouldn't make sense for him to live there. I would not want to make a 30 minute trek to Busch to eat or workout.
RU is his slight 1A top choice of DE 1B and JMU 1C, but from a parent's perspective, I would feel more comfortable sending him to Delaware over RU, even it means another 20k per year. (walkable campus, better dining, better rec center, although not the B10 sports scene that he likes) ughhhhh - almost wish he got into only 1 of those 3 schools.