Question about $100 million in state budget for football field house, RAC renovations

From on June 28, 2022: "New Jersey leaders agreed to earmark $100 million in taxpayer money to Rutgers University in the upcoming state budget to help fund the renovation of the state school’s aging basketball arena and kick-start a multimillion-dollar indoor football practice facility, NJ Advance Media has learned."

I studied the budget documents and cannot find the earmark. I do see a line item on page 267 of the budget, "Rutgers University - Capital Needs" in the amount of $300,000,000.

However, this money is appropriated pursuant to the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the $1.9 trillion Covid stimulus bill.

The U.S. Treasury Department published a final rule stating the obvious - stadium projects are, "generally not reasonably proportional to addressing the negative economic impacts of the pandemic."

Could somebody explain exactly where in the state budget the $100 million is included and whether Rutgers can actually use this money for athletics facilities, such as the football field house and the RAC renovations?
