Anti-Israel Encampment Established at Rutgers University

I do. Or at least did. It’s gotten very dangerous there. I used to drive to Baja all the time. I likely camped numerous x where they got killed.

I will only surf around Cabo now. Mexico has been completely taken over by the cartels and crime. It’s a lost country.

I didn’t know the guys from Australia but they were from Perth. One played lacrosse. I know a bunch of people in Australia and here that knew him.

Just awful stuff. But not surprising.
RU and protesters reached a negotiated agreement.

This is what makes RU great!

- Peaceful protest
- 0 arrests
- RU and students reach sensible negotiated agreement

Absolute win by President Holloway and Rutgers.

And as a plus, RU and Holloway have really pissed off the non alums who want our Constitution and its god-given First Amendment terminated.

Looking forward to the Arab center and more refugees on campus!

Proud alum!
Any Palestinian cultural center should be subject to periodic inspections to make sure that tunnels aren't dug underneath it to hide arms and terrorists.
Grill his ass!

Mega donor to Columbia announces funding claw back after Jew hate runs rampant on their campus. That's how you have to hit these hate factories. Take money away.

Any Palestinian cultural center should be subject to periodic inspections to make sure that tunnels aren't dug underneath it to hide arms and terrorists.

Yeah it's only Palestinians digging tunnels, just look at Brooklyn lol
Yeah it's only Palestinians digging tunnels, just look at Brooklyn lol
Yeah, the Chabads stored all sorts of armaments in their 60' by 8' foot tunnel, and used it to hide after they terrorized Brooklyn, killing 1200 people in one day. LOL
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Yeah, the Chabads stored all sorts of armaments in their 60' by 8' foot tunnel, and used it to hide after they terrorized Brooklyn, killing 1200 people in one day. LOL

Yeah fair, in a "democracy" like Israel, you can claim you're religious and don't get drafted at all.
Wait are you saying Valet didn't finish grade school?

You pointed out, correctly, his "stupdity and racism"- so glad you could provide the explanation!
Fat Paralegal is only allowed to use the computer at lunch time lol

No respect. So great.
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I guess Valet eats lunch at 10AM.

One of several lunches, I mean, everyone has seen him and the 6.

While many posters said he doesn't visit RU because he never graduated or can't afford it, the real reason seems to be the cost of buying two seats each. Sad.
I was just there 3 weeks ago at an alumni event. Something you can't attend because your never graduated.

Offer still stands. Scrap up $5K from your equally fat boyfriend and meatball making Ma and bet me I don't have a diploma. I post it, you owe me $5k. Need to see the money first though. Paralegal money can't be good.
LOL Valet admits he's a valet who never graduated!

Next he'll admit all the bets he lost. If the 6 lets him have internet access lmao
I do. Or at least did. It’s gotten very dangerous there. I used to drive to Baja all the time. I likely camped numerous x where they got killed.

I will only surf around Cabo now. Mexico has been completely taken over by the cartels and crime. It’s a lost country.

I didn’t know the guys from Australia but they were from Perth. One played lacrosse. I know a bunch of people in Australia and here that knew him.

Just awful stuff. But not surprising.

I knew a serious surfer around my part of the empire. He would travel the world and he really liked Mexico - bought a house there after his RV got wiped-out by a flash flood. I thought maybe being in a dangerous country was part of the challenge. I think I recall you surfed off Libya.

There was another local who decided to ride a motorcycle through Mexico, Central America and down to southern tip of South America. He vanished in Mexico and after a month they found him cut-up in an oil barrel.

Aside from that, I knew too many people who got sick to ever consider going there. Once lady got a spinal infection and spent two months on IV antibiotics (her husband lost 20 pounds also getting sick in Mexico). Mexico is a failed state imo. Nobody has ever really controlled the north since the Spanish eft.
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Rutgers has a Jew hate problem, as evidenced by the fat paralegal in this thread.
I’m not sure how you eradicate it at this point beyond shutting the entire University down.

What a mess. Rutgers has become a hate factory producing anti American Jew haters.

First order of business should be stop allowing people in from terrorist muslim countries.
Not sure why Valet calls himself a paralegal, but his community college seems to have produced at least one antisemite. Sad.