Anyone else get a survey?


All American
Nov 13, 2006
I did. If you did, please respond. I ripped into Flood. The AD needs to hear it. I also said I'm unlikely to renew my tix. If Flood is here, I don't think I can.

Screw you Flood for taking something I like so much and ruining it.
I've never gotten one before. I wonder if they are trying to get a pulse of the fanbase on Elmer?
Email this morning. The survey focuses on the overall game day experience (tailgating, parking, concessions, merchandising, quality of facilities). Nothing specific about the game or the team's performance, but there are plenty of opportunities to provide comments.
I've never gotten one before. I wonder if they are trying to get a pulse of the fanbase on Elmer?

Get a pulse on Elmer Fuddrutgers ?
Just put his picture on the Video Screen during a Rutgers game and you will get your pulse of the fan base,
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LOL they need a survey to tell them fans are against Flood? Did they not hear the boos?

Barchi wasn't at the game and Julie wasn't in the Audi club.
Any other AD I'd agree with you, but our department...a lot of them to the short bus to work.
I told them to spend any money they thought they had available for upgrading the 'fan experience' and add it to the budget for a new staff because nothing they can do to make gameday better matters if the product on the field stinks.
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The send out 5,000 surveys. I got one for MSU & OSU but not this game. And Geoff Brown reads the comments and will pass along feedback on coaching performance
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Well, at least I got to use both "breath-taking imcompetence" and "putrid leadership" in the essay portion of this morning's pop quiz.