Calling RU72/Richard Kent

True insider… wow . After seeing those posts ya gotta wonder about sources.
Believe he actually has talked to the family but I don't know what the big mystery is here with people reaching for answers asking about sources

GAVIN HIMSELF publicly said he would never leave. The quote is out there so you don't need an insider source second or third hand reporting... It came right from the horse's mouth
Believe he actually has talked to the family but I don't know what the big mystery is here with people reaching for answers asking about sources

GAVIN HIMSELF publicly said he would never leave. The quote is out there so you don't need an insider source second or third hand reporting... It came right from the horse's mouth
Fair . But when you’re an insider and you get something so wrong, an explanation is owed.
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I don’t think he owes us anything. If Gavin told him himself that he will never go to the portal, and that turned out to be not true, ru72 could still have the best source possible and get it wrong. Things like that happen.
This. People STILL asking for an explanation. Gavin said he would never leave. Is RU72 supposed to make him live up to his word? Lol
I don’t think he owes us anything. If Gavin told him himself that he will never go to the portal, and that turned out to be not true, ru72 could still have the best source possible and get it wrong. Things like that happen.
Did Gavin tell him that ? Why speculate ? @RU72 is a big boy and we should trust his explanation
Of all the things you can criticize ru72 for, this is not one. Rutgers offers a class called logic & reasoning, I believe. You might want to take it.

Yeah - not getting this one at all.

I said it before - “til death do us part”. A promise millions of Americans break every year. They meant it when they said it. Gavin probably did too. Then stuff he didn’t expect happened - things change. There’s nothing more to it than that. Can’t blame an insider for relaying information that was the truth at the time and then changed. Move on.
You at happy hour ?
Where did I criticize 72?
Here you go bud:

“This course aims to make you a more virtuous thinker. Toward this end, you shall learn the basics of formal logic and informal fallacies, how to identify and develop the intellectual virtues (open-mindedness, intellectual fairness, etc.), and finally, how to evaluate arguments encountered in academic philosophy and in everyday life.“
Here you go bud:

“This course aims to make you a more virtuous thinker. Toward this end, you shall learn the basics of formal logic and informal fallacies, how to identify and develop the intellectual virtues (open-mindedness, intellectual fairness, etc.), and finally, how to evaluate arguments encountered in academic philosophy and in everyday life.“
You’re a fool.
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Here you go bud:

“This course aims to make you a more virtuous thinker. Toward this end, you shall learn the basics of formal logic and informal fallacies, how to identify and develop the intellectual virtues (open-mindedness, intellectual fairness, etc.), and finally, how to evaluate arguments encountered in academic philosophy and in everyday life.“

That was a great class.
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Here you go bud:

“This course aims to make you a more virtuous thinker. Toward this end, you shall learn the basics of formal logic and informal fallacies, how to identify and develop the intellectual virtues (open-mindedness, intellectual fairness, etc.), and finally, how to evaluate arguments encountered in academic philosophy and in everyday life.“
^^^ Fake news.
Here you go bud:

“This course aims to make you a more virtuous thinker. Toward this end, you shall learn the basics of formal logic and informal fallacies, how to identify and develop the intellectual virtues (open-mindedness, intellectual fairness, etc.), and finally, how to evaluate arguments encountered in academic philosophy and in everyday life.“
I took Logic 101 as a freshman in 1976 and this is all I remember (from a professor who wore a cape for some reason):

“If indeed your grandmother had wheels, she would indeed be a bicycle.”
I took Logic 101 as a freshman in 1976 and this is all I remember (from a professor who wore a cape for some reason):

“If indeed your grandmother had wheels, she would indeed be a bicycle.”
I think I had that same prof. LOL. Blond-brown hair. Eyeglasses. Beard. Smoked some sort of clove/herbal cig during lectures? What I most remember was his method of applying analytical calculus to logic problems, and his use of the terms "hedons" and "dolors" to analyze things. 1977 or so.
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I took Logic 101 as a freshman in 1976 and this is all I remember (from a professor who wore a cape for some reason):

“If indeed your grandmother had wheels, she would indeed be a bicycle.”
Ha…I had that same professor for Chem 101 in the 80’s…cape and all still😂
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I think I had that same prof. LOL. Blond-brown hair. Eyeglasses. Beard. Smoked some sort of clove/herbal cig during lectures? What I most remember was his method of applying analytical calculus to logic problems, and his use of the terms "hedons" and "dolors" to analyze things. 1977 or so.
Haha, only other thing I remember was that he had an accent, like he was from Transylvania or something.
I took Logic 101 as a freshman in 1976 and this is all I remember (from a professor who wore a cape for some reason):

“If indeed your grandmother had wheels, she would indeed be a bicycle.”

I took LRP in early 2000s.
Same concept.

If something has wheels - it is a bicycle.
Your grandmother has wheels.
Conclusion: Your grandmother is a bicycle.

Basic premise of the class was you have to apply the rules of the "world".
Even if those rules aren't "realistic" in our current world.

If you couldn't think outside the box like that, they suggested you drop the course.
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Sometimes, at least, 72 spoke in riddles but when he forgot his lawyer speak and made definitive statements he was as wrong as all of us. Problem is when you give yourself too much credit ( and loved it) you expose yourself to criticism and calling out.
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Another post resurrected ???

To call our A fellow poster who, like others, is just trying to help the news flow ???

WTF is wrong with you people ???

People post info ….that is F’ING dynamic in a dynamic workd ….and trying fo be helpful

I’m not speaking for RU72, but I’ll speak for myself

It’s the reason why I post ZERO info anymore on the boards.
I believe the blowback is due to him almost guaranteeing the player was returning and after the player himself said as much so. Words mean nothing .
Another post resurrected ???

To call our A fellow poster who, like others, is just trying to help the news flow ???

WTF is wrong with you people ???

People post info ….that is F’ING dynamic in a dynamic workd ….and trying fo be helpful

I’m not speaking for RU72, but I’ll speak for myself

It’s the reason why I post ZERO info anymore on the boards.
Huh?? It’s not wrong to ask what happened

Why would you think it is ?
72 is definitely in the know, but when you come on the board saying things like you're in the know, even if you are, and they don't happen, you're going to catch flack for it

If FSU doesn't end up leaving the ACC before 2036, I will never hear the end of it - especially after coming on this board for the past year saying "X will happen"

It's just how it is - when you make predictions, and when you have sources, regardless of the external circumstances that may happen to alter said prediction, if something happens and you're wrong, you're going to hear about it til the cows come home
72 is definitely in the know, but when you come on the board saying things like you're in the know, even if you are, and they don't happen, you're going to catch flack for it

If FSU doesn't end up leaving the ACC before 2036, I will never hear the end of it - especially after coming on this board for the past year saying "X will happen"

It's just how it is - when you make predictions, and when you have sources, regardless of the external circumstances that may happen to alter said prediction, if something happens and you're wrong, you're going to hear about it til the cows come home
And this is why there are a LOT of good posters who don’t give the info anymore …

Just because people can hide behind a keyboard and a screen name doesn’t mean it has to be “it just how it is “….it’s called respect
And this is why there are a LOT of good posters who don’t give the info anymore …

Just because people can hide behind a keyboard and a screen name doesn’t mean it has to be “it just how it is “….it’s called respect
I agree Shack

Something changed from when Gavin made his public proclamation and about never leaving, info 72 heard and him officially entering the portal

It's not 72's fault
Maybe UConn is giving Gavin a bag
Maybe there's severe disfunction in our program
Who knows

I look at it like it's just a message board
People are entitled to their opinions

I've been wrong countless times w/predictions, as has everyone
It's the nature of the beast

I wish posters would give others a break if they're wrong with what they're hearing
But we're from Jersey, where we eat our own and ball busting is a national pastime
Most give people a break. Most appreciate the insider stuff and realize when things change or that source wasn’t as accurate as thought.
It’s the vocal 5-10% that sour it for others.
This is true for so many things on this board, where people are up in arms about X.
It’s often just 5-10% making a big stink.
Shack, 72, and others, PLEASE share share share! Ignore the haters!
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And this is why there are a LOT of good posters who don’t give the info anymore …

Just because people can hide behind a keyboard and a screen name doesn’t mean it has to be “it just how it is “….it’s called respect
What are you talking about ???

The guy is an insider and got it wrong . There is nothing wrong with asking what happened. No one is criticizing 72. We just want to know what happened. Obviously , something did
What are you talking about ???

The guy is an insider and got it wrong . There is nothing wrong with asking what happened. No one is criticizing 72. We just want to know what happened. Obviously , something did

You literally wrote when someone gets something so wrong “an explanation is owed.” You’re effectively saying he must pay his penance to the board with an explanation. You’re trying to now say this is not being critical, but I think most people with common sense would disagree. So either everyone else in this thread is wrong or plump street is wrong.
You literally wrote when someone gets something so wrong “an explanation is owed.” You’re effectively saying he must pay his penance to the board with an explanation. You’re trying to now say this is not being critical, but I think most people with common sense would disagree. So either everyone else in this thread is wrong or plump street is wrong.
Everyone else is wrong
You must be new around here. Plum is legend !!!

But seriously , what happened ??