Apparently I'm "God Awful."
And I've read everything on this thread and for those who made points backed by observations about length of song play, I'll be sure to keep songs on longer for the OSU pre-game.
As far as song selection, it's based off of requests from both fans and players. Prior to players taking the field, we're in ingress mode.
There are several portions to sports game day from a production stand point.
warm ups
I travel to several stadiums and arenas each year to study how in-game is done on a college and pro-sports level.
Rutgers was the first to adopt the idea of having a DJ at the stadium. Other programs have since followed.
I speak with stadium, arena dj's and in-game music people all the time. we're all playing the same content.. just at different points.
I've been programming music and dj'ing at stadiums and arenas around the country for the better part of 13 years.
For those that don't have confidence in my abilities, that's okay. a "DJ" may not be everyone's choice.
I will say this, before the bang of "EDM" I had conversations and meetings with several franchises about increasing fan interaction and attracting a new demo while keeping the original fan base. We researched and found the best way was to take classic tracks and have a remix done for them.
People on this board may not appreciate what I do, and I apologize that you don't like what I do. If you feel that I don't do a good job, then by all means, email me or call me and we can discuss this. My goal is to attempt to cross genres and engage as many people as possible. I don't expect to please everyone, but I'd like to please as many as possible. So I take requests and suggestions seriously.
Should you want to question my credentials and abilities, I'm okay with that too.
I'd be more than happy to discuss that away from the board because communication off of the internet is the best way to reach a resolution.
When my time at Rutgers is done, then I hope that I was able to please as many as possible and will remain a fan of the program on the sidelines. Until then, by all means I welcome constructive criticism.
feel free to email or call my office anytime. Thank you.