And you know this how? The fact that you are quick to say that by hiring a new coach will "blow up next year's roster" shows me you've never coached or played the game or know what kids will do. And let's say for argument sake your naive comment comes true. Besides Corey, and maybe---maybe Freeman who else on this moribund program is indispensable? Laurent? No outside shot. Foreman? Please. Goode? No thank you. Oh, it must be Nigel Johnson then? Who knows until he plays.
And then you're quick to state that this will set the program back 4 years with a new coach. Really? That in itself tells me you know NOTHING about recruiting and you make it seem as if a new coach and his staff will just sit back and do nothing on the recruiting trail. Not only is that absurd it's not even worth repeating.
I don't know who you are or what kind of relationship you have to EJ or maybe none at all. But it's so-called "fans" like you that have driven this program into the ground for decades. You hang onto loyalty instead of logic and critical thinking. EJ came in to heal, and as a loyal son we all hoped he would be a good college BB coach. He's not. And he doesn't need another year to prove that he is. The man is incapable of understanding what it takes to coach up kids, play the fundamentals and the minutiae required to have a winning program. In case you didn't know it by watching yesterday's Northwestern game, EJ did nothing, absolutely nothing to curb or curtail Northwestern's 3 point shooting. Mind you, that's what this Wildcats' team is known for. So, being undermanned, does he try to play zone, which will curtail open looks? No. He sticks to a man-to-man defense and we get pummeled. Any HS coach--let me correct that--any CYO coach would know going in, to stay competitive against a team like Northwestern, one would employ a zone defense. Did EJ? No. And that's only one example of a man in over his head. He's been in the NBA too long where defense is a foreign language until you get to the playoffs. EJ needs to go.