GAME 20 Nebraska: If there ever was a gut check moment for the season....

If he didn't extend it, it should not be called. Based on my experience watching not the rules.

I hate the lower the shoulder calls too. Lower and driver in with it, fine call it. But just because your shoulder is down you shouldn't be called

Especially when they flop and act like soccer players to sell the soft call
I hated Pike's lineup at times in the first half because there was too much wholesale subbing...Miller/Paul/Jones/Reiber/Palm....was that really the lineup at one point???
FOULS.. some earned, some not.. and no balance on the other end.. that's why we saw lineups like that in the first half.
I have a question about the offensive foul called on Harper that everyone is upset about, for those of you who may know the rules in more detail than I do..

The defender started running toward Ron as the pass to Ron was in the air. Ron caught the ball and faced the basket just as the defender stopped forward motion and drifted to his left to cut off the easy lane to the basket. Ron began his drive and the collision occurred before the defender was stationary. But the collision occurred just as Ron put the ball on the floor for the first time to begin his drive, and Ron leaned down and contacted the defender's midsection with a bent left forearm and clenched fist and then his body... Is there a chance that an offensive player leading with his forearm during a collision like that could legitimately be called for an offensive foul, even if the defender wasn't completely stationary? If Ron doesn't put out his forearm and fist prior to and during contact, is there a chance that the call goes the other way?