Great Intro to the Clemson - L'ville game


Hall of Famer
Nov 21, 2009
Love the camera in the buses with the Clemson team before the dramatic entrance
2 plays in and the Officials already lost control of the game.
Louisville better play better or they will look very silly in those super hero helmets.
Clemson Def Coord Venables has dialed up a good game plan against Lamar Jackson.
The entrance is cool but bussing in your uniform seems lame.

They've been doing that forever. Tradition. All these "walks" are 100x better than ours. Our team walks 100 yards. Most teams walk 1/4 mile or so. Clemson takes leaves the locker room from one side of the stadium, gets on buses to the other side, then runs down the hill to touch Howard's Rock. Love it. Our team should get out at the circle. Period. It's all over 150 yards further than where they get out. Crowds will INSTANTLY double or triple.