It's Unanimous in the Press- RU is a Whole New Team; they are going to surprise some teams

Knight Shift

May 19, 2011
Jersey Shore
"Despite the loss, Rutgers looks like a whole new team...."

"if the Scarlet Knights continue to play the way they did against the defending Pac-12 champions, they are going to surprise some teams."

"the Huskies got a wakeup call every bit as jarring as the thunderous sack that sent Jake Browning crashing to the turf in the first quarter. . . .That was an instant message to the world that this was a team to be reckoned with."

"Rutgers, which jumped ahead 7-0 and didn’t trail until 3:50 was left in the half, was the more dominant team. They looked tougher and stronger than the Huskies. They won the battle up front. They executed better, and even seemed more fired up than UW"

Chris Petersen: "Rutgers did a nice job,’’ he said. “They kind of played more physical than we did, is my initial impression.”

Even Politi Agrees:

"They certainly looked far improved in (almost) every facet of the game. "

I said it 2 months ago and I will say it again. We will win the next 3 games. Including a Road Trip to Nebraska.
Cornhuskers say hello to Ahmir Mitchell and Jawuan Harris. Our skill talent will shock many in the CFB world.
I said it 2 months ago and I will say it again. We will win the next 3 games. Including a Road Trip to Nebraska.
Cornhuskers say hello to Ahmir Mitchell and Jawuan Harris. Our skill talent will shock many in the CFB world.
I hope they don't rush Mitchell back too soon . would rather see him late this year or not at all till next year.
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guys.. I watched the game and Washington is in for a long season.. you will face 6-7 better OL's than that..
I do agree their QB is not the same player he was before the shoulder surgery, but the constant pressure he was getting had something to do w that.
I do agree their QB is not the same player he was before the shoulder surgery, but the constant pressure he was getting had something to do w that.
Browning isn't really all that good.. he fell apart at the end of last year... Sam Darnold.. now that guy's a beast LOL. RU played hard.. will they play that hard when the losses start to stack up.. on the road at Penn State, on the road at Michigan.. will injuries mount?? More important do they give it 100% vs Maryland and get a W? Browning actually lacks confidence.. you could see it in his body language.
Maybe RU is better this year sq out west.
ohh I think so.. a bit. But you really won't know until mid October. At the point they have to be doing better than trying on the team will get depressed. This was a home game, under the lights, natl game against a UW team that looked flat. But when you look at the scoreboard people who didn't watch the game won't even be able to tell. Opps like this don't come around often.. whose left at home?? OSU?? You have 2 chances to make a difference at your home field this year, and the first was a good effort but pretty much the same results as always.

I do know that better D's will destroy your QB, and he will only regress, your kid last year looked better..
kind of odd that we have all these posters who all of a sudden think Wahington isn't that good. A team who the professionals in Vegas made a 4 td favorite.
Again, maybe we could be better than people think?
Per sg outwest
Creative analysis..
Washington sucks and RU sucks a bit less than last year. Very creative
Then the other commentator asked him if he was "drinking the Rutgers cool-aid." Was a pretty funny exchange.

How did RutgersAl sneak into the booth and spike his drink?! I thought the same thing myself watching the game - would be great if they make a bowl somewhere out here on the West Coast but there are still some games to play so I'll be patient and see how it plays out. But the optimism is there.
kind of odd that we have all these posters who all of a sudden think Wahington isn't that good. A team who the professionals in Vegas made a 4 td favorite.
Again, maybe we could be better than people think?

Washington is a legit playoff contender, but last night looked like a team that was playing their first game of the season and had just traveled across the country...especially in the first half. So I think the "Washington sucks" posters are incorrect, but last night, they did look flat. That's not to take anything away from Rutgers. They looked 1000x better than last year, but we probably won't know much about either team until the 4th or 5th game.
The Chris Petersen quote about Rutgers being physical is encouraging. I've always thought physical, disciplined play is one of the hallmarks of a Petersen team.
I do know that better D's will destroy your QB, and he will only regress, your kid last year looked better.. mean the kid who couldn't crack 3rd string at San Diego State as a 5th-year senior??? Are you for real right now????

Joe P.
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"Despite the loss, Rutgers looks like a whole new team...."

"if the Scarlet Knights continue to play the way they did against the defending Pac-12 champions, they are going to surprise some teams."

"the Huskies got a wakeup call every bit as jarring as the thunderous sack that sent Jake Browning crashing to the turf in the first quarter. . . .That was an instant message to the world that this was a team to be reckoned with."

"Rutgers, which jumped ahead 7-0 and didn’t trail until 3:50 was left in the half, was the more dominant team. They looked tougher and stronger than the Huskies. They won the battle up front. They executed better, and even seemed more fired up than UW"

Chris Petersen: "Rutgers did a nice job,’’ he said. “They kind of played more physical than we did, is my initial impression.”

Even Politi Agrees:

"They certainly looked far improved in (almost) every facet of the game. "


Well, they are surprising teams already. EMU was probably surprised they won yesterday.
I said it 2 months ago and I will say it again. We will win the next 3 games. Including a Road Trip to Nebraska.
Cornhuskers say hello to Ahmir Mitchell and Jawuan Harris. Our skill talent will shock many in the CFB world.
It certainly shocked EMU.
Army plays Eastern Michigan in a few weeks. It will be interesting to see what happens