Basketball Jaden Jones to the NBA Draft

I was just making the point that people are reading the post and saying it sounds he absolutely won’t be back but I’d say pull up what Geo said in his post when he declared for the draft and it may be almost a copy and paste of what Jaden said.
I see. I just looked it up. It's actually very close, including past tense for Rutgers stuff, but there is a pretty big couple of sentences at the end that Jaden did not include. Still it's a fair point; Geo's does kind of read like a farewell as well.

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He may not be an idiot (but he might be (?)) but if he thought he was an NBA level player and refused to put in the work that Pikiell demanded, that's on him and he isn't the kind of player we want here anyway.

You.. think it would be bad if he worked hard in practice? What?

according to his own mind, at least

Why would he play intentionally bad defense lol? Playing "good" defense in AAU is not the same as playing for the best defensive coach in the Big Ten.

Open sports and (biological) women's sports. Letting men play women's sports is beyond absurd. "Men's" (i.e. open) sports should be open to anyone who can compete with the best in the world.
He could go G league, make some money see if he has an NBA shot, and then go to Europe if it doesn’t work out.

It’s not totally unrealistic
The posters in this board have no idea.

pike and staff encourage players who wish to one day make the league to go through this process . It’s a free evaluation.

now if he comes back to RU or not is another discussion. Hope he does.
You don't think the entire roster wishes to make the NBA?
He could go G league, make some money see if he has an NBA shot, and then go to Europe if it doesn’t work out.

It’s not totally unrealistic
Maybe, but there a reason he didn’t play and I don’t really believe it was “he’s great offensively but Pike won’t play him because his defense is only mediocre”. He either wasn’t good enough or he had some other problem. I don’t think Pike is a perfect player evaluator but I also don’t think it’s likely that Jaden was a significant upgrade over the guys who got playing time ahead of him.
We are going to have a lot of openings to fill out the roster
That is a possible good sign if the players brought in are talented enough to contribute next season.The objective is to bring in shooters that can create shots off the dribble.
Social media news on IG, RHJ, Oskar, Mawot, Dean, Jalen, Tez, and Nick Brooks all ❤. He is good teammate, well liked, works hards, maybe even a mutual beneficial thing where he get to practice with a high school teammate in Mawot, he get better practicing against our defense, and our team gets better defending and practicing with and against a legit NBA prospect for a year because when he enrolled you still had to be one year out of high school to declare. Could be trouble keeping up with classwork or grades. We will never know the truth, just speculation. Pikiell is Switzerland as they come.
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Not worried about this.
He's probably just seeing what he needs to work on and be advised on thje best route to an NBA career.
If he comes back and works on the improvements needed, it will help the team along with himself.
But if he goes portal, G league or overseas , Rutgers might be losing a player with potential, but totally replaceable from what he did this season .
I would like to see Jaden return
All off season we heard how nasty he is and what he will bring to the table for this team offensively.

That was coming out from people watching him play in practice. Watching his game.

The kid isn’t an idiot, he knows he could have brought value to the team.
So you transfer you don’t go to the NBA draft. That’s the smart decision.
I keep reminding myself that our fanbase is just not used to following CBB across all conferences and if they did, they would know this is a standard operating procedure.

The inability for fans to understand what the process is for players is really not surprising, because most can't understand this is what all players are entitled to do.

I guess when Cliff makes this eventual announcement and decides to get his evaluation as well, the thread will be 15 pages long on why he's not ready for the NBA and he needs another year etc

At the end of the day, I feel pretty certain that playing in the B1G or any major conference, is truly the proving ground and that will mean Jones is going to remain a college player....stranger things have happened, but I am not in the player prediction business on staying in school or going pro.....and definitely not in the prediction business on transfer or not.

What I am fairly good at is watching basketball and what to look for....for a kid who just turned 19 not too long ago, the difference between being able to play well in a Power conference, is probably another couple seasons of college basketball to get stronger, get smarter in the film room, learning what to do when you play against certain defenses also means Jaden also has a wingspan that if he buys into the study of defense and how to stop a Kris Murray from Iowa, how to know which way to get to your spot, when a smaller guard is defending him, only happens by experience at the college level.

If Jaden does the work on the defensive end, he will play as much as he can and help RU or any program win.....and he will improve. I believe in Jaden and his upside and I also think Aundre Hyatt can also take a big jump too.

But I am not going to worry either way, RU has very smart coaches and they will have a solution for next year and beyond. In this new age of College sports, you can't get overly "hormonal " when it comes to college kids and decisions or social media.....let things play out, stop overreacting, stop the whining and stop acting like a scared kid on the playground, who once had his lunch money taken away.

Relax and watch the games folks.....
I was just making the point that people are reading the post and saying it sounds he absolutely won’t be back but I’d say pull up what Geo said in his post when he declared for the draft and it may be almost a copy and paste of what Jaden said.
If he hires an agent he can’t come back.
I keep reminding myself that our fanbase is just not used to following CBB across all conferences and if they did, they would know this is a standard operating procedure.

The inability for fans to understand what the process is for players is really not surprising, because most can't understand this is what all players are entitled to do.

I guess when Cliff makes this eventual announcement and decides to get his evaluation as well, the thread will be 15 pages long on why he's not ready for the NBA and he needs another year etc

At the end of the day, I feel pretty certain that playing in the B1G or any major conference, is truly the proving ground and that will mean Jones is going to remain a college player....stranger things have happened, but I am not in the player prediction business on staying in school or going pro.....and definitely not in the prediction business on transfer or not.

What I am fairly good at is watching basketball and what to look for....for a kid who just turned 19 not too long ago, the difference between being able to play well in a Power conference, is probably another couple seasons of college basketball to get stronger, get smarter in the film room, learning what to do when you play against certain defenses also means Jaden also has a wingspan that if he buys into the study of defense and how to stop a Kris Murray from Iowa, how to know which way to get to your spot, when a smaller guard is defending him, only happens by experience at the college level.

If Jaden does the work on the defensive end, he will play as much as he can and help RU or any program win.....and he will improve. I believe in Jaden and his upside and I also think Aundre Hyatt can also take a big jump too.

But I am not going to worry either way, RU has very smart coaches and they will have a solution for next year and beyond. In this new age of College sports, you can't get overly "hormonal " when it comes to college kids and decisions or social media.....let things play out, stop overreacting, stop the whining and stop acting like a scared kid on the playground, who once had his lunch money taken away.

Relax and watch the games folks.....
The way that he worded that is entirely different from what you’re talking about.

It’s not unusual for someone to “test NBA waters,” we have had several players do that.

His wording comes across as he’s gone, so if it ain’t the NBA then it ain’t here.

You think a kid that was reportedly a good offensive player is coming back when Mag and Miller were playing over him? I guess it’s possible, but it’s not likely. I don’t blame him.
I keep reminding myself that our fanbase is just not used to following CBB across all conferences and if they did, they would know this is a standard operating procedure.

The inability for fans to understand what the process is for players is really not surprising, because most can't understand this is what all players are entitled to do.

I guess when Cliff makes this eventual announcement and decides to get his evaluation as well, the thread will be 15 pages long on why he's not ready for the NBA and he needs another year etc

At the end of the day, I feel pretty certain that playing in the B1G or any major conference, is truly the proving ground and that will mean Jones is going to remain a college player....stranger things have happened, but I am not in the player prediction business on staying in school or going pro.....and definitely not in the prediction business on transfer or not.

What I am fairly good at is watching basketball and what to look for....for a kid who just turned 19 not too long ago, the difference between being able to play well in a Power conference, is probably another couple seasons of college basketball to get stronger, get smarter in the film room, learning what to do when you play against certain defenses also means Jaden also has a wingspan that if he buys into the study of defense and how to stop a Kris Murray from Iowa, how to know which way to get to your spot, when a smaller guard is defending him, only happens by experience at the college level.

If Jaden does the work on the defensive end, he will play as much as he can and help RU or any program win.....and he will improve. I believe in Jaden and his upside and I also think Aundre Hyatt can also take a big jump too.

But I am not going to worry either way, RU has very smart coaches and they will have a solution for next year and beyond. In this new age of College sports, you can't get overly "hormonal " when it comes to college kids and decisions or social media.....let things play out, stop overreacting, stop the whining and stop acting like a scared kid on the playground, who once had his lunch money taken away.

Relax and watch the games folks.....
It’s “standard” for sophomore backups who barely play to declare for the NBA? Lol ok
Talk is he’s hiring an agent. Can’t play college ball doing that.
If that’s the case then it’s a bad call, but like I said G league. What’s the minimum contract now? Then Europe if that doesn’t work out.
I'm declaring too guys, RESPECT my decision. Here's my post in case anyone missed it:

Under the change, if student-athletes use an NCAA-certified agent while gathering information on whether to enter the NBA draft, they retain their college eligibility if they choose to return to school.
The rule I read is you have to be considered an elite player by USA basketball to do that. I doubt he is.
The rule I read is you have to be considered an elite player by USA basketball to do that. I doubt he is.
Sorry read it wrong it’s elite high school prospects. I take back what I said. It’s not dumb then. A bit naive, but not dumb. I’d be surprised if he’s not told to go back to school.
That’s the talk. But is it true? Who knows but Jaden and his family. We’ll see
Either way I think he’s done with RU so time to move forward IMO.

There were several moments this past season where the bench and team would be hyped and he wouldn’t be on that level.
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There has to be something in the background that is not being said. All indications show that there is full support from teammates and Pike. Also, Pike has never been shy about going deep into his bench.

Academics? Personal issues? Financial issues? That would be my guess.
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The rule I read is you have to be considered an elite player by USA basketball to do that. I doubt he is.
Can you provide a link. I am trying to find what you are seeing just don’t see it.
Either way I think he’s done with RU so time to move forward IMO.

There were several moments this past season where the bench and team would be hyped and he wouldn’t be on that level.
True. I do agree he’s done with RU. But I don’t think he’s done with college ball. I think he’ll be back just not in our uniforms