Last day for Phase 1 of Build Fund Captain's Program


Heisman Winner
Sep 27, 2006
Phase 1 of the Build Fund Captain's program ends tomorrow. The Fund will be tallying up the number of new donors that each captain brought in and the top 3 captains will win a prize ranging from lunch with a coach to going to practices.

thanks to many people on this board, I currently sit in 2nd place with 41 new donors.

If anyone has not yet donated to the fund now is a great time to do so. They have made it so you can donate as little as $4.17/month for 5 years or a total of a $250 pledge. I think that there are very few people who can say they can't afford at least that.

If you have donated this week already and would like to be added to my team shoot me an email at

if you'd like to donate please click here: TeamMegg Build Fund

thanks to everyone who has already donated and thanks in advance to those who may sign up today.
Bumping because this post persuaded someone on the RT to donate, maybe someone here will donate as well!
How can we see how many people are on the boards? That number used to be right at the top of the threads page in the old format. No longer there now.

But having that number was a great gauge for the current interest in RU athletics. I had always hoped our captains campaign would be able to capture a pledge for at least every single member of these boards. I don't think we're anywhere near that.
How can we see how many people are on the boards? That number used to be right at the top of the threads page in the old format. No longer there now.

But having that number was a great gauge for the current interest in RU athletics. I had always hoped our captains campaign would be able to capture a pledge for at least every single member of these boards. I don't think we're anywhere near that.
No you are not even in the ball park.
How can we see how many people are on the boards? That number used to be right at the top of the threads page in the old format. No longer there now.

But having that number was a great gauge for the current interest in RU athletics. I had always hoped our captains campaign would be able to capture a pledge for at least every single member of these boards. I don't think we're anywhere near that.

considering that the last count of donors is 1788 (this has not been updated in a few weeks) and there are over 2000 members on this are right. But I don't think anyone thought that we would get 10,000 donors and $100M in 6 months. We are not the storied programs of Nebraska, Michigan and Clemson with eager fans that have deep pockets.

The captians have generated 306 donors and $327,630 in 6 months. of the 30 captains only 16 of us have generated any new donors. I sit in second place with 43 donors (2 people from the RT donated because of my post yesterday). The couple with the highest number of new donors has brought in 59 donors. you can see all the captains and their progress here: Captain Count Here

Phase 2 of the program is more of a group effort rather than an individual effort. we will learn more about that at our next meeting.

I am still able to add new donors to my team, so don't be shy. for less than $5 a month you can be a donor: Team Megg
No you are not even in the ball park.

As a huge RU supporter and I believe nearly all those actively on these boards are .. this kind of angers me. We are finally in a position where rather than b**tchin on a msg board, you can make a difference and make your numbers count. We all waited for something as dreamy as a B1G invite and now we all collectively complain we don't have the players/recruits. And this is your chance to impact that.

Everyone should be on board with even just a simple $25 donation to show that your voice is heard and your RU fandom is accounted for in the numbers!
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As a huge RU supporter and I believe nearly all those actively on these boards are .. this kind of angers me. We are finally in a position where rather than b**tchin on a msg board, you can make a difference and make your numbers count. We all waited for something as dreamy as a B1G invite and now we all collectively complain we don't have the players/recruits. And this is your chance to impact that.

Everyone should be on board with even just a simple $25 donation to show that your voice is heard and your RU fandom is accounted for in the numbers!

A $2500 donation is $40 per month for 5 years. I picked up Chinese food for my wife and I last night and it cost more than that. Very simple for people to make a difference. The captains are asking for as little as $5 per month and can't get traction. Sad.
A $2500 donation is $40 per month for 5 years. I picked up Chinese food for my wife and I last night and it cost more than that. Very simple for people to make a difference. The captains are asking for as little as $5 per month and can't get traction. Sad.

As I said over on the RT yesterday and @ScarletKid2008 has also said, the replies we get when we ask people for money run the gamut:
  • no
  • how about the tuition I am paying for my kid
  • when the football/basketball team starts winning, maybe
  • I'm saving for a mortgage
I have given out probably 100 Build Fund cards. I mailed packets to @RutgersRaRa to distribute down in Florida at a local RU alumni meeting. Nothing. I personally talked to about 20 members of the 2006 team that were at my tailgate and gave them all my card. Nothing.

I have 43 least 15 of whom are total strangers from here on the board or from Twitter.

it has not been an easy process at all.
the excuses from many on this board started day one--and many of those were the biggest complainers on this board
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A $2500 donation is $40 per month for 5 years. I picked up Chinese food for my wife and I last night and it cost more than that. Very simple for people to make a difference. The captains are asking for as little as $5 per month and can't get traction. Sad.

The dollar amount is not even important or our main goal as part of the captain's campaign. We just want to get names and a strong number of support behind the project. Therefore I try to liken people giving any amount at all as casting a vote of support to the Big Ten Build project and what the administration is trying to do for RU.
@ScarletKid2008 is correct. the captain's goals were to get new donors....regardless of amounts. I never pitched to anyone that they needed to donate more than $10 a month (the $4.17/month is a new idea that RU did when they gave us each our own donation page). The fund gave us information to provide on how little $10 a month really is: one less cocktail. 2 less beers. 2 less coffees. 1 less burrito.

$4.17/month is even more ridiculous of a number to be able to say no to, and still the numbers are not moving.
Just joined your team! I'm not 100% sure I did it right so if anything looks odd from your end just let me know and I'll fix it ASAP.

I've wanted to join your team for awhile but being in grad school for physical therapy (graduate this May!!!) has really limited my ability to donate. Thank you so much for adding the lower donation as it's an amount I can feel comfortable giving while not having to worry about cutting into loan repayment in a few months.

This is such a great and easy way to give back to the school that has given us so much; hopefully people will continue to do so. And hopefully I will one day grow up to be like @MrsScrew =)

Moral of the story, if a poor grad student can donate, then so should everyone else =)
Just joined your team! I'm not 100% sure I did it right so if anything looks odd from your end just let me know and I'll fix it ASAP.

I've wanted to join your team for awhile but being in grad school for physical therapy (graduate this May!!!) has really limited my ability to donate. Thank you so much for adding the lower donation as it's an amount I can feel comfortable giving while not having to worry about cutting into loan repayment in a few months.

This is such a great and easy way to give back to the school that has given us so much; hopefully people will continue to do so. And hopefully I will one day grow up to be like @MrsScrew =)

Moral of the story, if a poor grad student can donate, then so should everyone else =)

THANK YOU! Its awesome that you have matter what the dollar amount. I see that I now have 44 donors so you didn't make any errors.
I have been saying for a very long time that there is very little interest in college athletics in NJ.The population in NJ is over 8 million and within a 2 hour driving time to Piscataway.I'm convinced the status quo will remain until the football and mens basketball programs show a winning product.Its a catch 22 scenario where contributions and recruiting are dependent on winning.
I have been saying for a very long time that there is very little interest in college athletics in NJ.The population in NJ is over 8 million and within a 2 hour driving time to Piscataway.I'm convinced the status quo will remain until the football and mens basketball programs show a winning product.Its a catch 22 scenario where contributions and recruiting are dependent on winning.

For the general public / casual fan ..yes I agree. For folks who often lurk on these boards I think they're much more invested in the programs at RU and therefore I would think have a much higher response ratio to these types of campaigns. Especially when RU athletic dept is going all-in for this one. If this campaign isn't a success then we are doomed from the fans ever stepping up in a meaningful way.
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