Phase 1 of the Build Fund Captain's program ends tomorrow. The Fund will be tallying up the number of new donors that each captain brought in and the top 3 captains will win a prize ranging from lunch with a coach to going to practices.
thanks to many people on this board, I currently sit in 2nd place with 41 new donors.
If anyone has not yet donated to the fund now is a great time to do so. They have made it so you can donate as little as $4.17/month for 5 years or a total of a $250 pledge. I think that there are very few people who can say they can't afford at least that.
If you have donated this week already and would like to be added to my team shoot me an email at
if you'd like to donate please click here: TeamMegg Build Fund
thanks to everyone who has already donated and thanks in advance to those who may sign up today.
thanks to many people on this board, I currently sit in 2nd place with 41 new donors.
If anyone has not yet donated to the fund now is a great time to do so. They have made it so you can donate as little as $4.17/month for 5 years or a total of a $250 pledge. I think that there are very few people who can say they can't afford at least that.
If you have donated this week already and would like to be added to my team shoot me an email at
if you'd like to donate please click here: TeamMegg Build Fund
thanks to everyone who has already donated and thanks in advance to those who may sign up today.