McDonald’s AA Game - Tuesday April 2, 9pm ESPN

According to Allocco’s father, the schools he is concentrating on are Ohio State, Notre Dame, Villanova, and Butler.
According to Allocco’s father, the schools he is concentrating on are Ohio State, Notre Dame, Villanova, and Butler.
His father’s name isn’t Larry per chance?🤔 His father was speaking to a local Ohio paper. I wouldn’t put too much stock in this until Allocco takes his official visit to RU. He may want to have his role clarified in light of RUs new signing of Acuff
Dylan was great until the last few possessions.
He forced things on a couple of O possessions.
And the East guard put back was Dylan's man who crashed the boards leaving Dylan at the foul line.
I know I am being very picky.
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Find a spot up shooter
Who ever it is he will be getting several open looks a game with Dylan driving and focus on Ace
There was more defense and ball rotation than I expected, but regardless - it was still a game where every kid was trying to showcase themselves. It’s different from true team dynamics.

When you have a kid of Dylan’s scoring ability, many opposing teams will attempt to double cover him. The easiest way to put an end to that is have a kid who can burn you for that decision bring up the ball. J Will is a great choice for that (see his first few games before defenses focused on him). Bosco had that with the Howard kid, and that’s probably why they chose that approach rather than just running everything through Dylan. Dylan has as good off ball vision as he does on. If teams focus on him, he can and will drive defenders away from the ball opening up the lane for guys who can win one on one battles. That’s how you put an end to double coverage and emphasis. Not by hoping Dylan can break double teams bringing up the ball and beat everyone in iso.
Dylan's basketball IQ will allow him to function at a level not seen in some time at Rutgers. As you said, teams in college will approach him differently, and so will Dylan in a college setting. He'll receive better coaching and play alongside better teammates.

I never expected Dylan to break double teams because I've seen enough of him to understand he will make the right decision and execute it. I can't recall Rutgers having someone with Dylan's ability to play point or off the ball while having much success.

I think lost in all of this is Dylan may well play with several players who can complete the play ignited by him. He will likely have guys who can fill up the bucket, such as Acuff, Martini, Bailey, Sommerville, etc.
His father’s name isn’t Larry per chance?🤔 His father was speaking to a local Ohio paper. I wouldn’t put too much stock in this until Allocco takes his official visit to RU. He may want to have his role clarified in light of RUs new signing of Acuff
There has been zero indication Allocco is taking an official visit to RU
I thought the dead period starts on Friday which means no visit on the weekend.Pikiell also will be in Arizona on the weekend to watch the Final Four games.
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This was a reply to you saying "there has been 0 indication...." The point is I wasn't just saying random 💩 Sherman.
Ha, that's fair, they said it on the pod, but there were no indications in the outer world that he was making that visit. It was pretty obvious from the moment he was supposed to come the Thurs prior to Easter and decided to go back to Ohio and visit OSU instead, which could have been done anytime he was home for break.
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