Mike Francesa


Not a listener to his show at any point.....if I had to guess it began with Fran wanted to bust Carlins balls about RU, because CArlin was a RU homer....... It progressed from there and he kept up with it.... Now he won't back down in his opinions, and RU fans have given it back to him from time to time, putting him even more at odds

If Carlin was never associated with RU, or worked with Fran, fran would not have been so hostile... IMHO

His hostility is much more deep rooted. See other posts. There was also an incident shortly after Schiano was hired where, if I remember correctly, he and Maddog were honorary captains during the Spring game and there was some sort of incident. Also, his allegiance is to St. John's and Notre Dame. But most of all, it is the Don Imus incident.
Ru insanity- someone asked how Mike is doing without dog so I replied

Why do u come to this message board? It's not much different then sports talk radio. Just a bunch of guys here talking about a football team not even playing games for a month. What is the difference between this board and mikes radio show. Some will say this message board offered zero in sports knowledge or entertainment.
All personal preference.

Long live the king.
Haven't listen to Fatso in over 5 years.
My Sports knowledge has actually improved since then. No more "rutgas" ignorant comments to hear.
Ru insanity- someone asked how Mike is doing without dog so I replied

Why do u come to this message board? It's not much different then sports talk radio. Just a bunch of guys here talking about a football team not even playing games for a month. What is the difference between this board and mikes radio show. Some will say this message board offered zero in sports knowledge or entertainment.
All personal preference.

Long live the king.

I come on this board based on interest and entertainment level. I also find the board stimulating (at times) in terms of challenging my intellect depending on the topic. I also find this board as a pretty good source of Information about RU as well as OT.

How this board is different that Talk Radio: Board = Active Participation......Talk Radio = Passive Participation. If I am taking a passive role just listening to others - it needs to be more entertaining than Francessa has offered IMO.

In regards to Personal Preference, you are correct. However I am fascinated with your love of Mike Francesa such as in your quotes "Long Live the King". It really strikes me as odd that someone here would be that passionate about the guy unless he has some type of affiliation.
When it comes to Rutgers, Francesa always was (and is) a cheap shot artist.Long before 2006 when we were really struggling he piled on big time.
I loved what Greg Schiano told him and Russo in an interview at Rutgers Stadium before the Louisville game in 06. He said something like- I understand this is the NY-NJ and everyone has expectations- you can criticize me I'm a big boy I can take it,but my friends and my family ain't to fond of you two guys as he walked off their set (they didn't know whether to sh..t or go blind. He said what a lot of RU fans had been feeling for a long time.
I don't think Francessa is to bright either, if he was, he would have tapped into this program ,the only legitimate p5 in ear shot of his show.all he would have had to do was just be fair. I could have lived with that,if we were a terrible team and he called us out so be it. When we had a good run give us some credit.
Personally I stopped listening to him when he was openly promoting his boys from Connecticut to the BIG stating they were a much better fit than us.
When we finally got the invite I thought he was going to cry.
Find Mike to be very entertaining. Think his opinions are typically spot on and nothing is better then when he is going at it as hard as he can. His opener is the best in the biz.
Mike has a rabid following unlike any other sports personality in the country. See link on francessacon

Oh and he is numbah 1.

Very insightful. Enjoy your man crush. It's good to have heroes in life.
Francessa was good in the 90's...
The problem is its 2015....Dude is just plain stale..I don't care what his ratings say..
Mike is good to listen to if the topic is sports from a historical perspective, rather than team centered (He's a Domer, huge St. Johns, Giants, Yanks lean, although I'll give him credit for calling out the Yanks when they sold commemorative hats for one game for like $35, announcing that they would donate $ from each hat sold to a fund for a very good cause (9/11 first responders/their families I believe). Then he found out from his inside source the Yanks donated a measly buck per hat, and really roasted them.

He did say, prior to last years football season, with typical raised voice "who are they going to beat....who are they going to beat....Penn State will hang 80 on them.....Michigan will hang 80 on them" After we played both teams his new song was how down both of those programs are (everyone already knew this), and all of a sudden the SEC was the hot topic of conversation (in NYC when it came to college football)............................until OSU played Alabama.
Love Francesa.

He can certainly be a d-bag to callers, and that has gotten more pronounced as he has gotten older and crankier, but that's part of his schtick and ratings show the schtick works.
Yep, he said as much in a recent book about WFAN (the title escapes me). Basically, he said only about 1% of his audience are callers. His job is not to appeal to that 1%, it is to appeal to the 99% of listeners who do not call. That sometimes means using the callers as foils.

I think a lot of it is that his audience is primarily NY-based, much of which views anything associated with NJ with disdain and contempt. Mike is all too happy to accommodate them.
The problem with the Michigan prediction is that UCONN lost by three to Michigan year before. If you watched college football you had to realize that RU was better than UCONN and had a good shot to win at home. Mike is clueless about college football.
Superfan, Do you also support his comments about Israel and American Jews?
Given that not only Superfan but everyone else on this board has declined to take the bait, two conclusions can be drawn:
  1. Most have no idea what you are talking about. (I had to look it up)
  2. Those who do know what he said, don't care enough about Francesa to get riled up about it, one way or the other.
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The problem with the Michigan prediction is that UCONN lost by three to Michigan year before. If you watched college football you had to realize that RU was better than UCONN and had a good shot to win at home. Mike is clueless about college football.

Ahh, the compararitive scores argument once again. And yet I thought that we were beyond that on this Board.

Francesca makes $ 5-10 M per year for his analysis of sports and you make how much for your expert analysis ?
Any reason why Mushnick hates RU? I know he always complains about the black uniforms.
He doesn't hate Rutgers at all. In fact, he holds the school in very high regard. He just doesn't suffer nonsense in college sports that is antithetical to the purpose of universities, which is almost everything in college sports today.

Good guy, though, who I've had the privilege of meeting a few times, so I've picked his brain a bit.
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Francesca makes $ 5-10 M per year for his analysis of sports and you make how much for your expert analysis ?

Justin Bieber made $80 million between 2013 & 2014. Does that mean he is the best singing act and we all should worship him? Francesa's salary has very little to do with his analytical abilities. If you ever watched his simulcast you would know that he culls most of his topics and insight from reading the NY sports pages.
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Love Francesa.

He can certainly be a d-bag to callers, and that has gotten more pronounced as he has gotten older and crankier, but that's part of his schtick and ratings show the schtick works.

If we are undefeated on Sept 20th he'll give us some positive air time.
Lol! No he won't.
Honestly. I had no idea what u were talking about. Didn't know about this.
Would love to hear a link of what was actually said.

You can google it to confirm but here is a summary.....

On the Air on 9/12/01 Mike & MD blamed both Israel and American Jews for the attack on
America on 9/11. They indicated that Jews needed to prove their loyalty as Americans and choose between
Israel, which Mike called “a failed experiment,” and the U.S.” They claimed that Jews in America should take a loyalty oath to the country to prove that they were loyal to the US and not Israel.
Comparing scores just showed that Michigan was not that good. And I believe I know more than Mike about college football because he watches ND and the SEC. Mike could not name 5 RU players. Sports Illustrated also picked Cleveland and Washington World Series. How does that prediction look?
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25-30 years ago Mike was considered one of the most knowledgeable college sports guys on TV. Once he moved to WFAN and had to cover all the NY teams college sports took a back seat except of the Big East.

Listening to him now you sometime think he's still in 1985 when it comes to college sports..
The problem with the Michigan prediction is that UCONN lost by three to Michigan year before. If you watched college football you had to realize that RU was better than UCONN and had a good shot to win at home. Mike is clueless about college football.

I said something similar to what you said and people said I was crazy. UCONN had exposed Michigan the year before. People are quick to forget history.


"Ahh, the compararitive scores argument once again."

Had you really watched the game closely, then you would understand what Shields is talking about. Michigan was exposed due to their lack of an offense and tired defense.
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Thanks cubuffsdoug. I watched the whole game and was not that impressed with Michigan. UCONN even used the lousy quarterback they had earlier in the year and not the better QB who played against us. And someone like Francesa would probably not watch UCONN versus Michigan.