Mike Rice ejected from son's game


All American
Gold Member
Dec 15, 2003
Was in stands complaining to ref allegedly when he got tossed. His son plays for Point Beach. When are they going to get pinched for recruiting btw?

This post was edited on 2/19 7:53 PM by ColonelRutgers

Is Mike Rice at It Again?
Now he can share his war stories over a drink with Fred Hill Jr.


This post was edited on 2/19 6:17 PM by Aggs
He was most likely singled out by the ref for his notoriety. must've been happy to have this click-bait fall into their lap.
I agree. Talk about a non-story. I was thrown out of my son's game once. It really is embarrassing. Even more embarrassing, I was ejected from a daughter's game when she was seven years old. Fortunately I am a nobody so it did not appear in the papers.
Have to think Rice did something. That guy is a total spaz with a horrible track record. Would it really be that surprising if he was yelling at a ref? It is expected.
this goes to show you how crazy he is. after all that has happened to him, he still cannot control his emotion/temper... he set our bball program back 5 years.
the people who should be tossed out are the people who are making comments, with being there or seeing a video tape...

In fact most if not all who have posted are now rejected and asked to leave the jury box and their minds were made up before knowing the facts...

oh that's right facts do not mean a thing to some on this board
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Originally posted by ColonelRutgers:

Originally posted by RUsundevil:
Seriously, what are you doing getting thrown out of a child's basketball game?
more importantly, why would he admit to being thrown out? Yikes!

Unnamed sources confirm MR threw a ball at some kid who wasn't hustling. lol
Next thing you know you will read he got a traffic ticket or gave another driver the finger. A non story.
Former Immaculata coach I believe said Rice said nothing. he sat by Rice.
What a stupid man. Go to your son's f'ing games with a gag ball in your mouth and watch from a place where you don't stick out like a sore thumb, Mike.

Say what you want about this being a "non-story," but take the blinders off and realize the negative ramifications this guy had on our hoops program. Doesn't help us one bit and, yes, he'll remain a story.

Think about it - his antics were a pun (the irate coach skit) on the 40th anniversary show of SNL!
I've learned thus far you can't keep making the same mistakes over and over or you'll have a lot of trouble. You guys are much more wise, but i am still in college.

When will this guy learn? Have to learn how to use your energy. Stick to the volleyball games, Rice. You have a solid spike.
In the article he said he could "count on one hand" the number of times he has spoken to a ref this year. He shouldn't be saying ANYTHING at all especially given his history. Did he say anything at that particular moment? Who knows but I'm sure he wasn't sitting on his hands all game. He's just a really immature person.

This post was edited on 2/20 1:05 PM by ColonelRutgers