Next Years Lineup

Yara returning for his last year at RU
Awesome news. Next year if Turley comes back and if Harer lives up to his billing we have a shot at 9 NCAA qualifiers. The dreaded 165 Enigma is the only weight class where I don't see a shot in hell.
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Turley is coming back.
biochemist01: Thank you for your feedback. That is a thoughtful post that exposes a difference in our perspectives. Before continuing, I want to say that I was not intending to put all that on Bill. It was just Bill's post that triggered my response. I have had good discussions offline with Bill and appreciate his enthusiasm. Secondly, I believe that my thoughts represent the needs of more people than me. Perhaps I'm wrong about that, but will be surprised if others don't want to know more about what's going on in the program.

I don't think any of us are entitled to information. However, if the program wants enthusiastic fans, there are things needed to nurture them. I will speak from my perspective, recognizing that, apparently, I'm a more demanding follower. I have expectations when being involved with anything. When watching football, I'm satisfied reading what's available and watching the team perform (or not), although I do recognize that football provides much more information to its fans. When I was in my career, I donated to charities but insisted on knowing how the money was used and the percentage that made it to the cause. When my three children went to college at my expense, I insisted on receiving their grades. They could have had all the privacy they wanted had they paid for their education. All that I have done in the past is much less affordable for me today, but regardless, when I'm asked for money, I have expectations. You, biochemist01, and others are happy contributing and trusting it will make a difference. That's okay, but it doesn't work for everyone.

I too appreciate when certain posters share information. I think the program should have a representative here who provides timely information about the wrestlers, plans for development, and answers questions. I also think wrestle-off results should be shared, even if called "indicator matches".

For those that have been around long enough, you will have seen that I have been critical and I have also offered suggestions. At one point, I was willing to engage in developing a process that the program could use as a template or example of how to organize efforts, resources, and develop clear objectives as well as measure progress. I got no farther than the opening statement when the children here did all they could to sabotage. In my corporate life, we paid outside consultants $2000 a day for that type work. That was in 1991 dollars.

Again, I appreciate how you (biochemist01) provided thoughtful feedback to me without insulting me or using cute memes and videos.
As I noted, I appreciate your contributions to the discussion board. You ask good and fair questions and you are willing to challenge the conventional wisdom of the board.

Thank you for sharing your perspective as a Rutgers Wrestling supporter. Compared to you I would be a less demanding follower while sharing your level of passion for and support of the program.

I have been a lurker on the board for years before recently deciding to begin contributing (very minor contribution) to the discussion.

I agree that it would be great to have more information from and about the program. Maybe this forum is not the best way to do that. One idea would be to have a newsletter (probably electronic) that could be sent out regularly to season ticket holders that could be linked or posted to this board. It would be good to hear others's thoughts.

Keep on being critical when needed. I have been and will continue to be critical of things at times too. That is what makes for good and constructive discussion. I think that the vast majority of contributors to the board are thoughtful and open to constructive conversation and I appreciate that we have a forum like this to share our collective support for the program.
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