You seem to be changing the argument. My initial comment was that "I root for my college teams primarily because it involves rooting for players who willingly chose to attend my alma mater", and you took issue with that and insisted that no player on the roster willingly chose to be at RU, because they only attended RU because of the "scholorship"... So my reply was that if they had other scholarships, then they DID willingly choose to attend RU over the other schools that offered them... And now you're claiming that I don't want to accept the fact that a scholarship is a recognized form of payment to an athlete... I'm not sure how you came up with that, since it has nothing to do with whether a player willingly chose RU over other schools or not..
Obviously every school that offers a player can offer a scholarship, and if a player has multiple offers and chooses Rutgers over other schools that offered him and over schools that didn't, then he willingly chose RU. Nothing in my original post suggested that a player had to choose RU without a scholarship for me to prefer to root for him, so I don't understand why you keep using the concept of scholarships to try to prove your point that no player willingly chooses Rutgers... Pay for play NIL is different because the player may often choose the highest bidder, without regard to the actual school criteria. But when it comes to scholarships, once multiple schools offer a player, he usually makes the final choice based on non-monetary factors that may include the actual school, campus, location, education, coaches, team chemistry, opportunity to play, team success, etc... That's one reason why regulated scholarships provided by schools, and unregulated NIL payments from boosters, aren't necessarily equivalent like you apparently believe they are. It's easier for me to root for players when more than just cash helped to influence their decision to attend Rutgers over other schools, and when other factors besides greed are also involved in making their transfer decisions.
And regarding your comment about whining about it, many of us who have reservations about NIL rarely ever mention our thoughts on the current NIL system unless certain pro-NIL posters start criticizing (and in some cases insulting) fans who for personal reasons haven't donated to NIL. Comments like that often elicit equal but opposite responses.