NJ College Students Leaving By the Thousands

Okay. Your kid has a 3.5 gpa, top 8% of his graduating class, 1300 SAT scores, and is wait listed from RU because his demographic of upper middle class suburban males is full. Do you send him to Stockton or Montclair?

I can name at least 5 friends this happened to

Out of 1600?

If that is the case our admissions percentage should plummet, which is great. What did the kids do?
I am one of many from NJ that chose to go out of state for college. A bunch of you have alluded to it already, but (grade- and financially-dependent of course) there is really only one school that the majority of in-state HS students consider, and that's Rutgers. There are not a lot of popular options where you are going to get the FULL college experience, and I think that's why so many people (me included) didn't hesitate to go elsewhere. I strongly considered Rutgers for what it's worth, but I don't think there's that in-state allure or comraderie with Rutgers like there is for say PSU in PA or UMD in MD. Jersey has so many people in such a small area so it's not shocking that lots want to get out too. Kind of just the way it is I think.
Yes, but I never appreciated the extent of the migration until you see it graphically illustrated in the context of the other states. It was interesting to see which states had the positive ratio and which the negative. NJ's is off the charts and the worst in the country.

In addition to keeping more of the best at home, it would be nice to attract more of the best from outside NJ's borders, if the two were both possible.
In order to increase the reputation of the school, Rutgers needs to attract far more out of state kids......

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