Why are you arguing this with him? This is someone who said Drumpf never said kick minorities out and then said banning Muslims was not kicking them out.
This is someone who will cast his vote for someone who says "Mexicans are rapists" and then has the gall to say "super predator" is racist.
This is someone who says Obama is divisive but will cast his vote for someone who threatens to hurt Amazon because he does not like Jeff Bezos, among the racist comments and mocking the disabled.
This is someone who claimed Romney would win and supported him, but now cheers for the guy who mocks Romney, nevermind the fact that he said McCain was not a hero because he was a POW.
Oh, and this is someone who has supported conservative policies but now wants companies punished for moving to Mexico and China, never mind that his candidate employed illegal labor and made goods in China.
Oh- and best yet- this is someone who condemns dear old Joe and then will vote for someone who claimed Paterno was a victim and who said we need to "bring him back."
He and the other Drumpf supporters, there is not better word. Stupid, each and everyone of them, with no exception. Anyone who thinks that someone with 4 bankruptcies who has engaged in every economic practice he now condemns and who blames every ill on minorities despite marrying two immigrants and spawning from another is a total unqualified moron.
We need to recognize this in America, and many Republicans know this now too. We have a 20-30% in this country that other Western countries do not that is just flat out stupid, poorly educated, bigoted, dragging the rest of us down. Yes they are mostly old and therefore naturally decreasing but putting their leader behind the wheel will turn American into Venezuela and we have every right to call that what is in the most generous way-stupid.