OT: Alabama

This might be true but it would be really difficult to prove in court.

I think this is what lawyers call Speculation.

I'm not an attorney but I've watched a ton of Law & Order.

I was just watching a documentary on the Alabama judicial system.
They aren't too bright.
It's not that hard to beat the State. Even this guy won a case.

my cousin vinny GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
I was just watching a documentary on the Alabama judicial system.
They aren't too bright.
It's not that hard to beat the State. Even this guy won a case.

my cousin vinny GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
I'm really surprised that Miller hasn't been charged with something.

In some states if you and someone else are in a car and the other person gets out of the car, goes into a store, robs the place and shoot someone you also get charged even if you had zero knowledge of the crime.
No, Miller didn't tell Miles that there was one in the chamber. Miles told Davis (the shooter) that there was one in the chamber.

From the article:

When Miller got to the scene, Miles told Davis, “The heat is in the hat.” Det. Branden Culpepper said that meant a gun was present.

Miles added, “There’s one in the head.” That, Culpepper said, meant a round was in the chamber.
I may have read that wrong. If I did, then it does make Miller less involved. I still find it very odd that he is completely washed clean and doesn't even miss a half of basketball and his coach just doing a Franklin/Vandy impersonation
I am going by the report that I read that Miller had a dash cam showing his car placed to block the road. Also that he informed Miles that there was one in the chamber.

If both of those are true- then it should be enough to charge him. If those reports are false and all he really did do was go get a gun that his friend owned, then he shouldn't.

The coach's response though, either way- was horrific.
Yes, I agree about the coach’s response. But I am not convinced Miller was as involved as most of you here do, mostly because there is a 0% chance anyone skates on a murder in Alabama or anywhere, and the scenario you describe is murder committed by Miller and the others no matter who pulled the trigger
Yes, I agree about the coach’s response. But I am not convinced Miller was as involved as most of you here do, mostly because there is a 0% chance anyone skates on a murder in Alabama or anywhere, and the scenario you describe is murder committed by Miller and the others no matter who pulled the trigger
Did you see the text message I shared above? Laughable that you're arguing he didn't know something was about to go down
Yes, I agree about the coach’s response. But I am not convinced Miller was as involved as most of you here do, mostly because there is a 0% chance anyone skates on a murder in Alabama or anywhere, and the scenario you describe is murder committed by Miller and the others no matter who pulled the trigger
As someone else pointed out- I may have mis-read the one in the chamber and it seems that may have been Miles to Davis, not Miller to Miles. That may be the thing saving Miller.

But it is just too close to all the action for at least the Coach to take a little action or even care more than "kids will be kids' type of response.

Reminds me of when the NC State Coach was at my house during recruiting and he was bragging to me and our son's mother how two of his freshmen players got into two seperate fairly serious legal troubles and how he was able to squash them before it ever even got to the press and they were on the field playing that next Saturday...This was moments before my wife kicked his ass out of our house...
I agree, you should stick to less controversial subject matter Which Religion Is Right.
On the contrary, I usually appreciate reading WhichReligionisRight's posts regardless of how controversial the subject matter is, just as I appreciate reading the posts of many other posters.. More tolerant and open minded thinking in here, and the resulting better balance, definitely makes the forum better.. Just my opinion though.
I'm really surprised that Miller hasn't been charged with something.

In some states if you and someone else are in a car and the other person gets out of the car, goes into a store, robs the place and shoot someone you also get charged even if you had zero knowledge of the crime.
agreed, but apparently not in AL since the DA's office is saying they can't come up with anything to charge miller with. (to me id atleast find all the minor issues and charge those just so he's not let off scott free)
From articles I've seen and detective testimony, it sounds like Miles was in/at Miller's car and both were sitting/standing there while Davis walked over to the victim car and opened fire.
So, he might not have known the level of crime before he drove over to deliver the gun, but he definitely knew something major was about to happen when miles gave davis the gun he brought. Did he flee the scene of a shooting? Did he drive miles or davis away after the incident? if so arent both of those acts a crime?
and how about lying to the police which is atleast a misdemeanor? (Culpepper said Miller also informed police that he never saw anyone with a gun or saw the shooting that left Harris dead.)
Legally Miller probably will be given a pass because Alabama's gun laws allowed him to transport that gun.
As of January 1, 2023, Alabama does not require a permit or license to carry a loaded handgun in any vehicle.
As it was stated, in an earlier reply, by someone in this thread "proving Miller knew what was going to happened would be hard "and I feel even his blocking the car the victim was in probably would be considered a tragic coincidence giving that as a reason not to charge Miller with any crime .

Morally he's guilty as hell, but that don't fly when justice is involved and the powers to be don't want to push it.
As for Alabama's MBB program, just another example of College Sports Programs putting wins over accountability
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If Miles is charged than Miller should be charged too. I don't see any difference between their roles.

Miles didn't even pull the trigger, Davis did. So either both are accessories or both should be charged with capital murder (based on AL law)
Legally Miller probably will be given a pass because Alabama's gun laws allowed him to transport that gun.
As of January 1, 2023, Alabama does not require a permit or license to carry a loaded handgun in any vehicle.
As it was stated, in an earlier reply, by someone in this thread "proving Miller knew what was going to happened would be hard "and I feel even his blocking the car the victim was in probably would be considered a tragic coincidence giving that as a reason not to charge Miller with any crime .

Morally he's guilty as hell, but that don't fly when justice is involved and the powers to be don't want to push it.
As for Alabama's MBB program, just another example of College Sports Programs putting wins over accountability
Just read through their laws as well- and can say, not on the top of my list of states to visit or live in. At 18 you do need a permit but once you turn 19, it is Wild Wild West.
Interesting to note- University of Alabama is exempt from these newer very lax laws. This would lead to the question if Miller was knowingly in possession of this handgun on school property at any time.
Me too and agreed.
Pro 2A, also pro background checks and training requirements.
"Well regulated" after all.
I think this young man knew exactly what he was doing bringing the weapon to this situation and should bear responsibility. Will he? Who knows. It IS Alabama and the SEC after all.

"Well regulated" is about militias, not weapons. 2A basically says you can keep any "arms" (cannons and bazookas included) you want for property and self defense. You just can't have your own army.
"SHALL not be infringed" means government can't add conditions to the exercise of that right. These things get purposely, not ignorantly, misrepresented on a regular basis. Just like the whole " can't yell fire in a theater" nonsense. Should you? No. Can you? Yes.
1A and 2A can not be regulated in any way legally(or any constitutional right for that matter). Doesn't stop powers that be from trying to eliminate them on a regular basis though.
All the laws and regs in the world only affect those that obey them. I don't want a country where only the bad guys and people with enough money to comply with a pile of regulations can defend themselves. I want lots of armed good guys so one can be there to shoot this moron who caused this woman's death.
I think this young man knew exactly what he was doing bringing the weapon to this situation and should bear responsibility. Will he? Who knows. It IS Alabama and the SEC after all.

"Well regulated" is about militias, not weapons. 2A basically says you can keep any "arms" (cannons and bazookas included) you want for property and self defense. You just can't have your own army.
"SHALL not be infringed" means government can't add conditions to the exercise of that right. These things get purposely, not ignorantly, misrepresented on a regular basis. Just like the whole " can't yell fire in a theater" nonsense. Should you? No. Can you? Yes.
1A and 2A can not be regulated in any way legally(or any constitutional right for that matter). Doesn't stop powers that be from trying to eliminate them on a regular basis though.
All the laws and regs in the world only affect those that obey them. I don't want a country where only the bad guys and people with enough money to comply with a pile of regulations can defend themselves. I want lots of armed good guys so one can be there to shoot this moron who caused this woman's death.
no problem with your thinking.
But in some state the bad guys ( without criminal records) have legal access to the same weapons the good guys do and are able to shoot who they please then suffer the consequences.Also a so called good guy might supply a weapon to its legal owner that loans it to another person that uses that gun to kill someone All might have been considered good guys before the killing because they had never been arrested.
As far as a good guy with a gun stopping shootings, it does happen at times, also good guys don't do a thing although armed and there are even times the good guys miss the bad guy and shoot an innocent bystander.
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I think this young man knew exactly what he was doing bringing the weapon to this situation and should bear responsibility. Will he? Who knows. It IS Alabama and the SEC after all.

"Well regulated" is about militias, not weapons. 2A basically says you can keep any "arms" (cannons and bazookas included) you want for property and self defense. You just can't have your own army.
"SHALL not be infringed" means government can't add conditions to the exercise of that right. These things get purposely, not ignorantly, misrepresented on a regular basis. Just like the whole " can't yell fire in a theater" nonsense. Should you? No. Can you? Yes.
1A and 2A can not be regulated in any way legally(or any constitutional right for that matter). Doesn't stop powers that be from trying to eliminate them on a regular basis though.
All the laws and regs in the world only affect those that obey them. I don't want a country where only the bad guys and people with enough money to comply with a pile of regulations can defend themselves. I want lots of armed good guys so one can be there to shoot this moron who caused this woman's death.
What's your everyday carry? What state do you live in?
If Miles is charged than Miller should be charged too. I don't see any difference between their roles.

Miles didn't even pull the trigger, Davis did. So either both are accessories or both should be charged with capital murder (based on AL law)
Hockey assist vs basketball assist.

Although I agree with you...
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no problem with your thinking.
But in some state the bad guys ( without criminal records) have legal access to the same weapons the good guys do and are able to shoot who they please then suffer the consequences.Also a so called good guy might supply a weapon to its legal owner that loans it to another person that uses that gun to kill someone All might have been considered good guys before the killing because they had never been arrested.
As far as a good guy with a gun stopping shootings, it does happen at times, also good guys don't do a thing although armed and there are even times the good guys miss the bad guy and shoot an innocent bystander.
Good guy stopping bad guy happens more than you think. Just doesn't fit what's allowed as news.
Good guy deterring bad guy without shot being fired doesn't even generate a report.
Recent mall shooting in Texas is perfect example. One less sh!tbird in the world.
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This might be true but it would be really difficult to prove in court.

I think this is what lawyers call Speculation.

I'm not an attorney but I've watched a ton of Law & Order.
I guess the question are
1) was the murderer licensed to carry a firearm?
2) can you lend your firearm to someone?
3) if you illegally lend your firearm to someone and it is used in a crime do you have responsibility (yes)

lastly, miller at the bare minimum should be suspended but more likely should spend some hard time in prison
On the contrary, I usually appreciate reading WhichReligionisRight's posts regardless of how controversial the subject matter is, just as I appreciate reading the posts of many other posters.. More tolerant and open minded thinking in here, and the resulting better balance, definitely makes the forum better.. Just my opinion though.
I think you might have missed the joke lol.
I guess the question are
1) was the murderer licensed to carry a firearm?
2) can you lend your firearm to someone?
3) if you illegally lend your firearm to someone and it is used in a crime do you have responsibility (yes)

lastly, miller at the bare minimum should be suspended but more likely should spend some hard time in prison
I read through Bama's updated gun regulations and even those that support and 100% believe in right to carry should have a few issues.
If you are over 18, there is really no rule. At 19, you do not have to register, you can carry, transport, trade etc with pretty much no legal ramifications.
It is pretty crazy.
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I read through Bama's updated gun regulations and even those that support and 100% believe in right to carry should have a few issues.
If you are over 18, there is really no rule. At 19, you do not have to register, you can carry, transport, trade etc with pretty much no legal ramifications.
It is pretty crazy.
I worked in AL for a year on a construction project after graduating RU.

Its like a whole other country down there.

Great people but they self govern without help from Northern elites.
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Kid needs to be tossed. Coach needs a talking to from the President and AD on how not to be an idiot. When I saw those comments yesterday I could not believe the words were coming out of his mouth.
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Kid needs to be tossed. Coach needs a talking to from the President and AD on how not to be an idiot. When I saw those comments yesterday I could not believe the words were coming out of his mouth.
Hey- we had a MBB coach throws basketballs at players…and it led to MBB and AD being fired…
And a football coach try to arrange xtra credit for a player…NCAA scandals 😳
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Man, kids are made of stronger stuff than I was in college. If I knew a person that was associated with a murder and I had any part of that story I'd be hiding in my bedroom and in no mental state to do anything, Remarkable.
I hope this kid gets absolutely verbally abused the rest of the year. I realllllly hope he then complains about how college athletes have it so hard with mental health. Shoot 3's, not mothers.
The only funny part of this is the tizzy it puts the mainstream media in.

1) The left media wants to use anything they can as an excuse for gun confiscation
2) This is usually a good story for them to run with
3) However if they run with this story they'd have to call for them to put a young minority in prison
4) The above puts them in a mental pretzel. We know if a white player did this and the result was a black woman/mother being murdered and said white player wasn't arrested there'd be riots and it'd be all over the news, biden would fly down and tell us how we live in this vicious racist country, white privilege, etc. Won't hear that here.
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Man, kids are made of stronger stuff than I was in college. If I knew a person that was associated with a murder and I had any part of that story I'd be hiding in my bedroom and in no mental state to do anything, Remarkable.
Social media and the internet have turned the current generation into sociopaths. They can't separate the movies and music from reality.

At least two of these idiots are going to spend their best years (and maybe longer) in prison for murdering someone for rejecting their advances.
My bad if that's all it was.. I thought that maybe it was also another jab at WhichReligionisRight from the forum's more conservative bunch.
Nah I don’t really know him as a poster, it’s just that the question of which religion is right would seem to actually be a quite controversial topic :)

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