It’s been a pump n’ dump scam propped up by a thousand or so of the richest people in the world. Brilliantly orchestrated by buzzwords, promises of decentralization, aiding 3rd world countries, and billing it the “people’s currency” — when a few thousand own almost all of it 😂.
Now are people stupid for going into it? Not necessarily, because the uber rich are determined to keep it going for as long as they can. They pull the strings and are trying their damnest to legitimize their money laundering.
Additionally, playing the pump is certainly is/was smart. But unlike the ones who own most of it, you won’t be privy to when to jump off. If you truly believe in bitcoin, it’s not about the technology (especially with a future of quantum computing/hacking) — it’s about whether you believe those 1000 people are powerful enough to coerce the world to use bitcoin. They just might be.
This is also why Bitcoin has been so cyclic. It’s all mathematical. Don’t crash it, or you’ll lose the dopes. They know this. More brilliance on their part.
In the end, lot of people overall have made money. Awesome. But 10,000 made an ungodly sum, global change kind of
money, and we’re just now scratching the surface of who they are.
When a memecoin’s many clones are following the same kind of pump n’ dump strategies in a small scale, ie Shiba Inu, it should have been abundantly clear what’s going on. But we, as humans, love gambling, and more so, love the idea of massive gains.
Those gains will have a price one day. After a saver economy with so much injected
money, crypto could fly… but what happens when your average person needs to liquidate positions to pay bills? Do you keep a “store of value” (ie digital gold, digital oil) that you can’t do much with? Or pay bills? Fear sets in, hype fades. A market crash would take crypto with it.
Then are those thousand or so people going to leave billions/trillions on the table? Doubt it. Even if they have this ‘secret cabal’ to ease sell-offs, they won’t want to be the one losing out when sh*t hits fan.
Until then, it’s fun. I have crypto positions, made money. But I very much worry about the inexperienced diving in to “diversify” or the trend-chasers or those who are gullible enough to still believe in this grand utopic vision that a few thousand people will help make it a world/people’s currency.
Remember, plenty of people
also made fortunes buying and selling tulips at one point. But most ended up holding wilted plants…