OT: California moves closer to becoming first state to ban tackle football for kids under 12

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It is worth noting that in several youth soccer leagues, heading has already been eliminated, and checking is prohibited in hockey until U-14. I would argue the soccer example has less impact on the game than tackling in football and is therefore a less effective analogy, but eliminating checking is pretty close to football/tackling. It has its benefits - more emphasis on skating, passing, positional play in the early formative years. I imagine there could be similar benefits for football.

Is this limited by the State the league is in or the league?
You could make the same argument for requiring seatbelts in cars.

It's a health and safety issue which was brought up by injuries to pre teens, parental concerns and lawsuits by parents if injured kids. This didn't just come out of thin air.
It’s beyond absurdity, and not surprising for that place

Next step, they’re gonna tell you where you can take a shit and how you have to wipe at this rate
Found one! You're right Comrade, The State is all knowing.
Lol. Answer the question please. Should it be left to the parents to decide if their kids need seatbelts and car seats? Or is it maybe in the best interest of health and safety and also as the result of numerous lawsuits?

It takes a special level of stupid/redneck to get personally offended by something like this.
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It’s beyond absurdity, and not surprising for that place

Next step, they’re gonna tell you where you can take a shit and how you have to wipe at this rate

that is not happening, shitting is encouraged on most streets in CA


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Lol. Answer the question please. Should it be left to the parents to decide if their kids need seatbelts and car seats? Or is it maybe in the best interest of health and safety and also as the result of numerous lawsuits?

It takes a special level of stupid/redneck to get personally offended by something like this.

I updated my post with answers after you quoted it.

Nice that you decided to move on to insults instead of a logical conversation. Pretty typical of folks like you.

Show me where I was offended, comrade. I believe you are projecting (another pretty typical trait). ; )

You have a very flawed understanding of the roles of the state and parents. Hope your little hockey player turns out better.
It is worth noting that in several youth soccer leagues, heading has already been eliminated, and checking is prohibited in hockey until U-14. I would argue the soccer example has less impact on the game than tackling in football and is therefore a less effective analogy, but eliminating checking is pretty close to football/tackling. It has its benefits - more emphasis on skating, passing, positional play in the early formative years. I imagine there could be similar benefits for football.
I played ice hockey growing up and coach it now. I have a young son that plays and another one that will start in a few years. The younger the kids are the less able they are to take a check the right way. The issue is more on the receiving end. Younger kids still move fast and if they can't protect their bodies while going into corners or boards it can lead to neck and spinal injuries. Older kids have more refined skating skills and balance and can be taught better on how to absorb a hit than younger kids.
I updated my post with answers,

Nice that you decided to move on to insults instead of a logical conversation. Pretty typical of folks like you.

Show me where I was offended, comrade. I believe you are projecting (another pretty typical trait). ; )
Maybe he came back hard at you because you called him comrade first. Twice now.
I updated my post with answers after you quoted it.

Nice that you decided to move on to insults instead of a logical conversation. Pretty typical of folks like you.

Show me where I was offended, comrade. I believe you are projecting (another pretty typical trait). ; )
Not seeing any logic in any of your posts, just angry right wing rants.
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Boston University did a study on 211 brains of deceased ex football players at all levels. 210 had significant damage.

Edit I was told 210 of 211 but an article says 345 of 376.

Still significant and if other products or activities had such a high percentage of damage that product would be subject to strict regulation or restrictions

That "study" was rushed to media before it was even reviewed by others in the field.
The focus back then was on "tau protein" deposits. What all the shrill media reports left out is that tau can also be increased from using drugs, alcohol, sugars etc.

"A diagnosis requires evidence of degeneration of brain tissue and deposits of tau and other proteins in the brain. This can only be seen after death during an autopsy."

Mediterranean and keto diets can keep the tau tangles down

I played ice hockey growing up and coach it now. I have a young son that plays and another one that will start in a few years. The younger the kids are the less able they are to take a check the right way. The issue is more on the receiving end. Younger kids still move fast and if they can't protect their bodies while going into corners or boards it can lead to neck and spinal injuries. Older kids have more refined skating skills and balance and can be taught better on how to absorb a hit than younger kids.
My oldest played hockey all the way through high school. He was a big kid (6'1", 200#) but still ended up with two broken collarbones, broken ribs, and a broken arm that required a plate, all after checking started.
My oldest played hockey all the way through high school. He was a big kid (6'1", 200#) but still ended up with two broken collarbones, broken ribs, and a broken arm that required a plate, all after checking started.
That's a lot of damage. I've seen broken bones, dislocated shoulders, broken ribs, knee injuries and a lot of concussions while playing. Many injuries are not from checking but basic competitive contact, but the checking injuries are the ones that result in more severe injuries. Kids that can keep their head up and anticipate contact are the ones that will typically avoid the most traumatic kind of injuries and I don't believe that the younger kids are able to do that. Those kids are still developing their vision, stick handling and skating.
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Another deep take. Impressive.
You are of the opinion that parents should decide everything for their kids including whether or not seat belts are required in vehicles. I don't agree with that. Not many parents are equipped with the education or knowledge of what the effects of their actions are in everything they participate in. It's only after the negative effect happens to them where they become aware of the consequences and seek change or try to sue someone. Sports especially. Unless you are an educated medical professional, head injuries neck injuries and spine injuries are not going to be understood until they happen to you. When they do the parent is going to wag their finger and blame someone else. The car manufacturer, the football team, the school... There is an inherent interest in public safety and that's why these rules/laws are made. They're made by individuals after seeing the effects of inaction and after getting expert research and testimony on the issue by qualified professionals.

Furthermore, other people in this thread have already voiced the opinions of actual coaches with actual knowledge on the topic. Other sports have made changes and not at a state level.

You're free to have your own opinion however, that doesn't mean that your opinion is good or right. And when you go on a wild multi post 'dey tuk er jerbs' type rant, you're gonna get called out on it.
Don't get it. I coached Pop Warner years ago and the amount of force they hit one another with is probably equal to them throwing a Nerf football at each another. No one's coming in and laying a Powell hit. Now not teaching proper technique is where things could go awry. But with age and weight classes, it's really not a problem at this young of an age. You can't wrap your kids in bubble wrap folks.
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It is worth noting that in several youth soccer leagues, heading has already been eliminated, and checking is prohibited in hockey until U-14. I would argue the soccer example has less impact on the game than tackling in football and is therefore a less effective analogy, but eliminating checking is pretty close to football/tackling. It has its benefits - more emphasis on skating, passing, positional play in the early formative years. I imagine there could be similar benefits for football.
The no heading in soccer surprised me in my town since my son is now at the age where the ball goes more in the air. Goalie punts and bigger kicks. I was definitely surprised but lots of things in sports surprises me now feom I was a kid in the late 80s and early 90s. Properly heading a soccer ball is actually challenging. Because if you do hit it wrong it’s like slamming your head into a wall. Forehead is super dense and hard so if you attack the ball you don’t feel a thing but take one off the top of your head and it’s a different story. So I guess it’s good and bad. They should learn proper technique with maybe a nerf ball in practice as an option.
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Don't get it. I coached Pop Warner years ago and the amount of force they hit one another with is probably equal to them throwing a Nerf football at each another. No one's coming in and laying a Powell hit. Now not teaching proper technique is where things could go awry. But with age and weight classes, it's really not a problem at this young of an age. You can't wrap your kids in bubble wrap folks.

Back in my Somerset Hills Pop Warner days, I remember teammates' broken bones, and for me a dislocated thumb and a nasty pinched nerve in my neck. I don't think your Pop Warner team was playing manball.
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Curiously, I never really saw anyone get injured bad in HS football. I'm not talking Bosco/St Joe's/Bergen or one of those elite HS teams with big kids. The average HS team isn't that big/fast/strong. I saw a guy break his arm (and he dropped his motorcycle a couple times and that was worse) and that was it. In all the games I saw as an adult (see 2 or three every year) I never saw a kid get hurt bad. I think the benefits of physical development from HS football exceed the risks.

College is another story. I saw three guys blow their knees in one game. I know a bunch of D1 lineman who have knees with more stitch marks than a baseball. A kid not getting a scholarship or something (like DIII) should not risk anything imo.

It’s the most dangerous HS sport by far. Growing up, I was playing middle school football when a kid in high school (Elizabeth HS) died in summer camp from heat exhaustion. Plenty of broken ankles, wrists, arms, tears every season in HS football.

With regards to this issue being discussed, I’m undecided about whether a ban is a good thing or not. My son is a junior and plays for Delbarton. He started flag football in kindergarten and switched to tackle football in 6th grade (Morristown Wildcats is a really good program). My wife and I were going to have him wait until 7th grade but half of his friends started tackle in 5th and everyone else switched in 6th. He played one more year of spring flag ( at a league run by the Delbarton staff) and switched to tackle in 7th grade.

There is clear science that CTE comes from an accumulation of hits so limiting the “hit odometer” is probably a good thing ( even though 6th graders are not likely to be lighting each other up.

I think the bill is a good idea for raising awareness of the dangers of CTE. Ultimately it is up to the parents to make educated decisions.
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that is not happening, shitting is encouraged on most streets in CA


Moderators will surely delete this post and give this poster a time out for blatant political content.

No, actually certain moderators will probably ban me from posting further in this thread for complaining about political content ( because Newell’s post is right wing content).

@Richard Schnyderite
Back in my Somerset Hills Pop Warner days, I remember teammates' broken bones, and for me a dislocated thumb and a nasty pinched nerve in my neck. I don't think your Pop Warner team was playing manball.
Ok tough guy, yes injuries happen in all sports. I’m sure you guys were the second coming of the Monsters of. the Midway concussing 9yr. olds on your path of destruction. You know what the law is intended to prevent.

Guess what numb nuts I broke an arm in Pop Warner and it had nothing to do with a bone crushing hit. I also broke my leg while riding my bike when I was 10 so let’s make a law no riding bikes till at least 13.
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Not surprised in the least a bunch of people in this board just nod in agreement with what California tries to pass. It's a state for crazy people.
NJ isn't far behind. I grew up in the '50s and '60s. We played tackle football on a dirt field with the usual number of small rocks scattered about. No padding, just play clothes. That went on right up through our teens. If anyone suggested touch football, I lost interest in playing. We went home plenty dirty and sometimes bruised and scraped. Loved those days. The worst that ever happened to me was losing a baby tooth. Just my experience. I'd hate to be growing up today in California.
Well maybe CA believes this is a SF only problem and can has the resources to move on to micromanaging families. Shrug.
It is an SF issue and normal SF citizens have tired of the government there are have started moving to make changes. What people see/reach is the media consumption version (lots of clickbait) and not the good stuff going on.
It is an SF issue and normal SF citizens have tired of the government there are have started moving to make changes. What people see/reach is the media consumption version (lots of clickbait) and not the good stuff going on.
Can you enlighten us or direct us to a non-clickbait source that provides a fair assessment of what is going on?
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Ok tough guy, yes injuries happen in all sports. I’m sure you guys were the second coming of the Monsters of. the Midway concussing 9yr. olds on your path of destruction. You know what the law is intended to prevent.

Guess what numb nuts I broke an arm in Pop Warner and it had nothing to do with a bone crushing hit. I also broke my leg while riding my bike when I was 10 so let’s make a law no riding bikes till at least 13.

Ha... You are the one who stated that Pop Warner was the equivalent of getting hit with a nerf ball.

Make up your mind.
Ha... You are the one who stated that Pop Warner was the equivalent of getting hit with a nerf ball.

Make up your mind.
You don’t get it. The law is being drafted to prevent brain trauma not a broken arm or your thumb. Like I said, I could have easily broken my arm falling off my bike. That doesn’t mean they’re hitting with such force to cause head trauma. You may have thought you were a badass back then. But guess what, go watch a Pop Warner game, it’s not the carnage you remember it to be.
God help us if the lunatic Gov of Cal becomes the President.
NJ isn't far behind. I grew up in the '50s and '60s. We played tackle football on a dirt field with the usual number of small rocks scattered about. No padding, just play clothes. That went on right up through our teens. If anyone suggested touch football, I lost interest in playing. We went home plenty dirty and sometimes bruised and scraped. Loved those days. The worst that ever happened to me was losing a baby tooth. Just my experience. I'd hate to be growing up today in California.
ok boomer
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God help us if the lunatic Gov of Cal becomes the President.
I guess same as if the lunatic governors of FL, SD, SC, MS, AK, AL, or TX? Each state, red or blue, has serious issues because the fringes of the left and right have taken over and drive their agenda. There are a ton of us moderates in CA that don't agree with what is going on with policies by the left at the state level, but the right presents even worse options since they align with the far right that other states are embracing. We have lost our balance as a nation.
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I guess same as if the lunatic governors of FL, SD, SC, MS, AK, AL, or TX? Each state, red or blue, has serious issues because the fringes of the left and right have taken over and drive their agenda. There are a ton of us moderates in CA that don't agree with what is going on with policies by the left at the state level, but the right presents even worse options since they align with the far right that other states are embracing. We have lost our balance as a nation.
Nah, Newsom is the worst of the lot. More fake and out of touch than any, D or R
Nah, Newsom is the worst of the lot. More fake and out of touch than any, D or R

One reason this board should just stick to Rutgers sports is we’ve reached a point where everyone has their biases that dictate their narratives these days. We’ve reached a point where no one will ever agree with anyone that doesn’t align with their own biases.

Save the energy to focus on what we all agree to — seeing Rutgers succeed in college sports and academics.
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