OT: California moves closer to becoming first state to ban tackle football for kids under 12

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It’s not necessarily a bad thing to have the kids start with flag and move to tackle later. I don’t know if 12 years old is the correct age or maybe 10. The biggest issue in all youth sports is proper training and teaching correct methods.

It’s easier for a high school coach to teach an athletic kid who never played before compared to fixing a kid who has played for 5 years and was taught incorrectly.
that is not happening, shitting is encouraged on most streets in CA


Maybe I can get the political posts down by discussing the low gasoline prices in NJ and the record high domestic oil production.
I didn't read the article nor have I done any research. But how hard are kids under 12 really hitting each other? I wonder if this is necessary. Parents can make the decision not to let their kids play football. For other kids, developing skills at a young age could be their key to scholarships and opportunities.

I think you might be a little off base. At least in my experience with my son.

I know things have changed in the past 20 years but there was waaaay to much hitting drills in Pop Warner (starting at age 8). Lots of helmet-to-helmet contact. In his experience (and I observed), there was less hitting in practice in high school and even less in college.

As for skills, football does seem like the one sport where good athletes just pick it up and excel even in high school.
Nah, Newsom is the worst of the lot. More fake and out of touch than any, D or R
Yes pretty boy Gavin Newsome is wealthy, narcissistic , a manipulator and doesn’t try to hide it. The general public is beneath him but still the voting public would re elect him again somehow believing his policies work.
Some will cry that this is liberal California but I know a couple of youth coaches who are most definitely not leftists and both agree that tackle football should happen at later ages. One advocates for 7th and 8th grade should be when tackling should happen. So I guess that's around 12-13, right?
Maybe I can get the political posts down by discussing the low gasoline prices in NJ and the record high domestic oil production.
And why is that? Only for one simple reason. Only going to take one incident to change your bright and cheery outlook😜
Yes pretty boy Gavin Newsome is wealthy, narcissistic , a manipulator and doesn’t try to hide it. The general public is beneath him but still the voting public would re elect him again somehow believing his policies work.

LOL. You kind of described someone else as well.
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I think you might be a little off base. At least in my experience with my son.

I know things have changed in the past 20 years but there was waaaay to much hitting drills in Pop Warner (starting at age 8). Lots of helmet-to-helmet contact. In his experience (and I observed), there was less hitting in practice in high school and even less in college.

As for skills, football does seem like the one sport where good athletes just pick it up and excel even in high school.
Ultimately, I don't have a strong opinion about it. Thanks for your insights.
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LOL. You kind of described someone else as well.
There are many …. It is what politics has always been. Manipulation, narcissism, hood winking the public … starts at the lowest levels and the more $$$$ the better the chance to become one of those.
That is what makes great business leaders of companies … but the public only sees them based upon a party affiliation.
I'll withhold comment on people posting political nonsense here other than say if it's so important, go to the CE board. Follow the rules.

Now back to the subject. If tackle football were banned to over 12 when I played, most of my football career highlights wouldn't have happened.😆
Yes pretty boy Gavin Newsome is wealthy, narcissistic , a manipulator and doesn’t try to hide it. The general public is beneath him but still the voting public would re elect him again somehow believing his policies work.
The list on both extremes of the political spectrum runs long. But we understand your biases. Enjoy.

For the rest - back to the subject - seeing the brain science of this still in its relative nascent stages. This may be a good rule as brains are still developing at the young age.
Low? LOLz
Maybe compared to California

But Nothing like there was the years pre JB

Per Gas Buddy, yeah prices still remain high. You have to throw out the COVID era prices because it’s an unfair comparison but on 1/12/20, gas was $2.58 per gallon on avg in NJ. Today the NJ avg is around $2.95, I believe.
Per Gas Buddy, yeah prices still remain high. You have to throw out the COVID era prices because it’s an unfair comparison but on 1/12/20, gas was $2.58 per gallon on avg in NJ. Today the NJ avg is around $2.95, I believe.
Now do 2019

It’s silly to try to “win” your point when we all know it was lower then compared to now
Now do 2019

It’s silly to try to “win” your point when we all know it was lower then compared to now

2019 started with gas prices around 2.30 but rose to almost 2.90 by April, before dropping down to around 2.55 where it bounced around a few cents here or there until COVID when prices started to bottom out.
I'll withhold comment on people posting political nonsense here other than say if it's so important, go to the CE board. Follow the rules.

Now back to the subject. If tackle football were banned to over 12 when I played, most of my football career highlights wouldn't have happened.😆
Well isn’t that magnanimous of you…😊👏
It’s not about gas prices but those who were witness to the mid 70’s gas shortage understand why” Drill Baby Drill. “ is the way to go. For those of you still here in 2050 you should possibly see the change but… you never can be certain.
The list on both extremes of the political spectrum runs long. But we understand your biases. Enjoy.

For the rest - back to the subject - seeing the brain science of this still in its relative nascent stages. This may be a good rule as brains are still developing at the young age.
Yeah I’m biased and you ain’t? Ha Ha Ha
I'll withhold comment on people posting political nonsense here other than say if it's so important, go to the CE board. Follow the rules.

Now back to the subject. If tackle football were banned to over 12 when I played, most of my football career highlights wouldn't have happened.😆
my playground career would have been over before it started because organized football had benches for those with my football skills 😁
I am OK with kids under 12 not hitting in football, however if they are worried about head injuries then they need to ban heading the ball in soccer, playing hockey on ice(ice is slippery) and lacrosse(kids with sticks is a recipe for disaster).

They have already banned heading at certain ages.
NJ isn't far behind. I grew up in the '50s and '60s. We played tackle football on a dirt field with the usual number of small rocks scattered about. No padding, just play clothes. That went on right up through our teens. If anyone suggested touch football, I lost interest in playing. We went home plenty dirty and sometimes bruised and scraped. Loved those days. The worst that ever happened to me was losing a baby tooth. Just my experience. I'd hate to be growing up today in California.
Rubbed dirt in the wounds and walked one mile to school uphill in the snow and barefoot while pulling a sled full of classmates.

We have to try to avoid these grumpy old man arguments. This isn't the 50s and 60s thankfully. Neither the 1950s nor the 1850s. Science has advanced and we're more aware of the dangers of head injuries and how they impact child development.

You may have been lucky to lose a tooth but kids out there have had worse and more serious lifelong effects from severe injuries.
Not sure if this was mentioned, but they did change the proposed bill this week from the original first paragraph below to what's in the new italicized second paragraph. It softens the bill slightly.

"On and after January 1, 2026, a youth sports organization that conducts a tackle football program, or a youth tackle football league, shall not allow a person younger than 12 years of age to be a youth tackle football participant through the organization or league."

"If passed, the ban would be gradually phased in, prohibiting children under 6 starting in 2025, under 10 in 2027 and those under 12 in 2029."
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Lol. Answer the question please. Should it be left to the parents to decide if their kids need seatbelts and car seats? Or is it maybe in the best interest of health and safety and also as the result of numerous lawsuits?

It takes a special level of stupid/redneck to get personally offended by something like this.
wait you need to be a redneck by being offended that the government thinks it can tell me wehn my sone can play tackle football?
Puberty blockers are fine, can cut your cock off but can't play football.
If so, I'm damn glad to be a redneck
Many parents would let their young kids smoke cigs, drive and buy guns too, so sometimes you have to regulate.
I understand that, and there’s definitely two sides of the coin. It’s just that with everything California has going on negatively, I figured they would have a lot more priorities to fix than this.
I understand that, and there’s definitely two sides of the coin. It’s just that with everything California has going on negatively, I figured they would have a lot more priorities to fix than this.
One thing has nothing to do with the other. Seems reasonable to me, with no down side. Aspiring football players aren’t going to pursue swimming instead due to this were it to pass.
One thing has nothing to do with the other. Seems reasonable to me, with no down side. Aspiring football players aren’t going to pursue swimming instead due to this were it to pass.
They were able to clean up the one area of San Francisco, because the president of China was coming in, and they admitted that’s why they did it.

You’re going to tell me that they can’t continue to do that to San Francisco, and Los Angeles as well, and that does that doesn’t take priority over this law?

How many kids will this be affecting versus how many people are negatively affected by the shit holes that both San Fran and LA have become
They were able to clean up the one area of San Francisco, because the president of China was coming in, and they admitted that’s why they did it.

You’re going to tell me that they can’t continue to do that to San Francisco, and Los Angeles as well, and that does that doesn’t take priority over this law?

How many kids will this be affecting versus how many people are negatively affected by the shit holes that both San Fran and LA have become
I’m saying that passing one law doesn’t have anything to do with another unless constrained by resources. How many billions would this football law cost the taxpayers of California (no need to answer) ?
I’m saying that passing one law doesn’t have anything to do with another unless constrained by resources. How many billions would this football law cost the taxpayers of California (no need to answer) ?
I agree, but it goes to show you where their priorities are
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