OT - Christie's proposed school funding plan

So your theory is that black people (prevalent culture) are inferior? Got it.
Sure; it has nothing to do with 500 years of institutionalized racism.

You get what you pay for. If you choose to live in a shit hole, expect shitty stuff. I was born in Elizabeth. When it got bad, my parents worked harder and were able to move us out of there.
You get what you pay for. If you choose to live in a shit hole, expect shitty stuff. I was born in Elizabeth. When it got bad, my parents worked harder and were able to move us out of there.
I agree with you in principle and also agree that @LevaosLectures is silly pulling out the race card. That being said, in today's world it's not always as simple as just move. Plus some kids aren't blessed with parents like you had. We need safety nets for the kids that are screwed from day 1 but those nets shouldn't cost 33,000 a kid.
But that is what we have right now! If paying per student what an elite prep school coat actually meant the students receiving that level of education then Abbott would have been labeled a success.

Sadly that is nit what we have. Instead these poor students are getting the worst education in the state. All the while the administration in those same districts are giving each huge raises and pissing money away on vanity projects that have zero to do with making sure those kids have even basic skills much less a 30k education.

Whenever anyone points this out they disgustingly race bait using those kids to protect their huge salaries.

Btw, the teachers barely much more at these places. All that extra money is not being used to educate those kids. The results speak for themselves.

This would not solve the problem 100% but it is a huge and important start.

Getting rid of most school districts and having only one per county would be another huge step.

Expanding charter schools in low income neighborhoods would be another huge step.

There are many more. But keeping the system that we have now which only hurts ALL kids in the whole state is sure as hell not one of them. Doing nothing won't solve a damn thing.

Then why not cap administrative salaries instead of just cutting off the funding?

I still don't understand how reducing the funding HELPS the students. I understand how it helps suburban taxpayers, but why are they the only beneficiaries?
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If what you mean is that they get to control their student population by stricter discipline the I agree, and wish those rules could be extended to public schools. If you mean by admission I disagree, as most charter schools admit by lottery. The only screening factor is the need for a dedicated parent.

Yes, Weequhaic falls short of Millburn, but for a whole lot of reasons besides race. And I'd put incompetent administration and hamstrung teachers (not their fault) ahead of race.

I'm not saying race is the cause. I'm saying SEGREGATION is the cause. Localism in NJ causes a lot of these problems. We have ten bazillion towns in a tiny state. In most normal states the surrounding neighborhoods of Newark's inner core would be part of the city of Newark and the schools could, indeed, be more integrated than they are. Or, one could imagine that instead of an Elizabeth school district and a Union school district and a Westfield district and a Scotch Plains district that you could have one Union County district with equality of funding and integrated schools. Localism allows wealthy towns to prosper at the expense of the suffering of the poor. The wealthy will never give up that control or suffer the slightest decline in quality of living.
It's not but let's not make believe cutting wasted funding is going to make it any worse. As someone else stared this money isn't going to just teachers. The math doesn't work it's simply a wasteful money pit. The amount of money spent per kid has nothing to do with Asbury Park's resurgence. If AP is doing so great why do they still need all this money?

Well there is a connection. For example, many of the so-called "Abbott" districts have free kindergarten that lures in homebuyers. When the students have better outcomes they don't engage in behavior detrimental to the community.

You can't just take the money and then do nothing to help the students. The students didn't choose their administrators, teachers, where they were born. Why should they just be written off?

I mean the governor's staff could have come up with something- anything- there are so many right wing think tanks looking at education, a copy and paste job- but nothing. That just goes to show his motives.

The bridge trial is end of the summer and Trump is in tailspin. That is what this all about. If it were about education, there would be a plan of some kind for the poor districts. It's pure politics.
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So your theory is that black people (prevalent culture) are inferior? Got it.
Sure; it has nothing to do with 500 years of institutionalized racism.

Not at all. If the prevalent culture does not value hard work, education, & achievement, it makes it that much harder to get ahead in life. That happens in whether in the inner cities (with minorities) or the hills (with poor whites). Unfortunately, both groups have been raised on the teat of the Great Society reforms and allowed to fester.

You prefer to continue with the current structure instead of trying to affect real change, decrying any moves to reform. Sure, some of your proposed changes could help, but it all really starts with accountability, which this proposal introduces in spades.
Then why not cap administrative salaries instead of just cutting off the funding?

I still don't understand how reducing the funding HELPS the students. I understand how it helps suburban taxpayers, but why are they the only beneficiaries?
The money isn't ever making it to the kids. We have urban teachers on here saying they have zero technology in their classrooms. How can a school getting 600k per classroom not have a smart board?
If the resident to cop ratio was 9.5 to 1 like the student/faculty ratio of Asbury & 44% of the criminals were falling through the cracks, then yes I'd say the police department was just a jobs program too & needed to be disbanded & the residents should be absorbed by the neighboring town's police forces.

OK fair enough. I think you would find scenarios like this with all public workers, but the aim as teachers, and we all know why. Again, just another reason the plan is totally disingenuous.
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I agree with you in principle and also agree that @LevaosLectures is silly pulling out the race card. That being said, in today's world it's not always as simple as just move. Plus some kids aren't blessed with parents like you had. We need safety nets for the kids that are screwed from day 1 but those nets shouldn't cost 33,000 a kid.

Put them all in Catholic Schools. If the Catholic schools can do it for under $15,000, let them educate the kids. Obviously, the inner city school districts are wasting the money.
Yea it's all racism. How's the money helping so far? Why won't you answer the question I've asked you multiple times? How much money is the answer? If it's not money then are you for closing the crap schools and shipping those kids to better schools?

And, as I've said many times, it's hard to reverse deep social problems, and playing a gotcha game of "how much money" is silly. Certainly, the RADICAL reduction in funding Christie is talking about is going to hurt, and hurt badly. We aren't talking about 10 percent cuts here.

Do you know what turned Newark into an almost 100 percent minority city? It was the racist policies of our very own federal government. Sure, it's not ALL about racism but to say race is not a factor is ridiculous. If race isn't a factor then why are all the "crap schools" black and Latino?
You are right on what they past NJSC used for justification of the original Abbott ruling. But the language is not exact and up for interpretation. That's why I would love to see the new Christie NJSC revisit the case. I bet the ruling will be very different.

They have rebuked him again and again. Lawlessness is lawlessness in states like NJ. This isn't Kansas or Wisconsin, thankfully.

They might as well have inserted a "LOL" on when he tried to stop gay marriage.
You're insane.

One of the reasons people spend extra money in taxes is to get a better education.for their children.

Oh, and it's now funny how you bring up the race card.

Typical entitled bs.

My wife and I kill ourselves with work to try to give our children a better life. Why don't you try the same. No one handed my parents or my wife's parents anything when they immigrated to this country with NOTHING. My dad came here with 1 pair of pants. They worked their asses off to provide for us. But sure, keep spending my money on a broken system why I work my ass off to pay my bills and try to stay above water.

You're clueless. Your suggestion is really "move to a better town"? Haha. Your dad came with one pair of pants....good for him. He immediately had an advantage over black Americans who start life so deep in a hole it's a wonder any of them can climb out.

People won't stop bringing up race until Trumpty-dumpties like you let go of their white rage and acknowledge that this country has a huge problem with racial inequality.
The money isn't ever making it to the kids. We have urban teachers on here saying they have zero technology in their classrooms. How can a school getting 600k per classroom not have a smart board?

Let's assume all of that is true.

How are the students in Asbury going to get a better education because someone in Rumson pays less taxes?

That is the missed connection.

Under Christie superintendents have had their salaries capped, just one example, so he certainly has contemplated waste before. Why not this time?

Republicans love charters. Why not say, redirect a certain percentage of the funding to charters. "XYZ Charter School in Newark has had great results we have not seen in public schools. So I'm going to set aside ABC amount of funding for charters from the money the NJ taxpayer is paying into Abbott to set up more schools adhering to the XYZ model."

There are SO many other options to accomplish lower taxes AND better schools. This isn't one. And there are plenty of models designed by conservatives as well. Christie just wanted to join Brownback and Jindal on the road to blatantly screwing the poor instead of providing even minimal lip service for political reasons.
Actually, I'm a home owner in a high tax rate town and I pay $9,000 a year in property taxes. I would personally benefit immensely from this legislation. However, unlike others, I have the ethical consciousness to be aware of my good fortune and I do not wish to benefit personally by causing further harm to the urban poor.

Do you actually believe the bs you are shoveling? No offense, but you being a professor and having this thought process doesn't surprise me. You guys are a dime a dozen. Also, no amount of money (which you have yet to state how much) will help kids from a broken home become educated because it is wasted so badly. Did Mark Zuckerburg's $100m donation towards Newark schools not help you understand that? And put away your race cards, you sound like the typical brainwashed white guy with white guilt with no real word experience on the issue.
Just to clarify re: race, when it comes to the Abbott districts race is part but not the whole of the equation.

Keansburg, Phillipsburg, Hoboken are all "Abbott districts" (The NJ Supreme Court really abolished the district terminology in terms of funding, but for the sake of argument in terms of who receives funds) and all are majority white cities. There is more to it that both sides want to make it out to be.

There is clear race baiting in Christie's plan, but it's going to screw over a whole lot of white people as well, including rich white people who happen to live in Abbott districts, of which there are an increasing amount.
Let's assume all of that is true.

How are the students in Asbury going to get a better education because someone in Rumson pays less taxes?

That is the missed connection.

Under Christie superintendents have had their salaries capped, just one example, so he certainly has contemplated waste before. Why not this time?

Republicans love charters. Why not say, redirect a certain percentage of the funding to charters. "XYZ Charter School in Newark has had great results we have not seen in public schools. So I'm going to set aside ABC amount of funding for charters from the money the NJ taxpayer is paying into Abbott to set up more schools adhering to the XYZ model."

There are SO many other options to accomplish lower taxes AND better schools. This isn't one. And there are plenty of models designed by conservatives as well. Christie just wanted to join Brownback and Jindal on the road to blatantly screwing the poor instead of providing even minimal lip service for political reasons.
Kids in asbury park aren't going to get a better education because some rich guy in Rumson pays less. Why shouldn't the guy in Rumson get some return on his investment? I have no illusions that my taxes are going to go down but how can someone justify me paying a poop load in property taxes and my town getting a few hundred from the state?
Why is Hoboken still an Abbott district? Based on the 2010 US census, the median family income was $121,614. Over double the state average.
You're clueless. Your suggestion is really "move to a better town"? Haha. Your dad came with one pair of pants....good for him. He immediately had an advantage over black Americans who start life so deep in a hole it's a wonder any of them can climb out.

People won't stop bringing up race until Trumpty-dumpties like you let go of their white rage and acknowledge that this country has a huge problem with racial inequality.

Wow, you keep coming off more and more like crap.

Believe it or not my dad and my wife's family faced racism when they immigrated here. Immigrating to West Virginia and having my grandfather work in a coal mine in a poor as dirt town didn't give my dads family a distinct advantage over anyone.

Why do you keep bringing up race. I'm in a mixed race marriage. I don't hate but you seem to.

In this current economic environment, people of every color have equal opportunities for jobs. It's up to the individual to apply themselves.

I just don't want our tax dollars wasted on a broken system.
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If what you mean is that they get to control their student population by stricter discipline the I agree, and wish those rules could be extended to public schools. If you mean by admission I disagree, as most charter schools admit by lottery. The only screening factor is the need for a dedicated parent.

Yes, Weequhaic falls short of Millburn, but for a whole lot of reasons besides race. And I'd put incompetent administration and hamstrung teachers (not their fault) ahead of race.

Also "The only screening factor is the need for a dedicated parent" is a bigger deal than you make it out to be, unfortunately.
The district I work in will lose 78 million dollars...that will not help the kids where I work.
No you mean it will not help the teachers, aides, administrators, and others on staff who collect a paycheck. If the abbott decision did not pass and they did not get a windfall of money from the suburban districts the graduation rate would be about the same as it is today.
I assume you believe in unicorns too.

Are you a unicorn?

The company I work for is in the Top 25 of all US companies. About half the people who work for us are people of color.
They didn't seem to have any issues getting good jobs. Sometimes you have to look in the mirror and take responsibility for your life and stop blaming others for your failings.
Just an observation, but isn't it great that we can have this conversation? Prior to Trump, disrupting the political process by dismissing political correctness the race baiters would be shouting down anyone who held views like many expressed on the board today. I had seen it done on this board and many others. thank god the pendulum is finally swinging the other way where conservative voices can be heard. You may not like him but Trump changed that dynamic by allowing contrary and politcally incorrect views to be heard.
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Yet charter schools in these same arenas are doing great, better than most of the state in many areas with less money. The real answer is how these kids are taught period. The system is broken. Currently the extra money is being wasting on nonsense that doesn't help the kids.

The answer is not keeping things the way they are or giving them more money, the answer for them is changing the way they are being taught. All schools in those lower performing areas should be run like charter schools, it is not fair to kids there that they have to be lucky enough to win a lottery just to get a good education.

Meanwhile, the rest of the state kids are getting screwed, it is time to finally stop neglecting them and finally lower taxes for once.
It is not exactly an apples to apples comparison since charters exclude special ed kids and just by the nature of having to proactively get your kid into the charter the parents are more involved.

That said I would do everything possible to allow kids to leave failing systems.
Why does it cost so much more money to fund schools in crappy cities? I'm guessing the money is not going to the students educations. $33,000 in some districts. Are you kidding me. Catholic schools don't charge that much. I like Christie's proposal.

Most catholic schools in this state are a joke (and most do not have any services for students with special needs). They also pay their teachers nothing.
No you mean it will not help the teachers, aides, administrators, and others on staff who collect a paycheck. If the abbott decision did not pass and they did not get a windfall of money from the suburban districts the graduation rate would be about the same as it is today.

It will not help the kids because our infrastructure will not get fixed, the little supplies we do get will not be given to us, the technology we need will not be purchased. But yes it will hurt all the non tenured teachers who will get fired because of budget cuts. It will hurt me because we will probably go onto a contract freeze and I will not get a raise.

We have made tremendous strides in my district. I said it before and I will say it again. We have improved our scores, our graduation rate, and our infrastructure all while bringing down our violence rate, drop out rate, and pregnancy rate. We did that by adding programs that helped our kids.
Most catholic schools in this state are a joke (and most do not have any services for students with special needs). They also pay their teachers nothing.
Bit extreme don't you think? A joke? I'd bet "most" are placing kids at some damn good universities and none are only graduating 45% of their students. I know a heck of a lot of kids who ended up at parochial schools because of football that are eligible only because They left their home districts. That's lots of kids with college degrees instead of dropping out.
Most catholic schools in this state are a joke (and most do not have any services for students with special needs). They also pay their teachers nothing.

If this was true, most parents wouldn't pay all that extra money to send them to these schools. Agree with the special needs part.

Plus, do you really think they're worse than all these public inner city schools where we are wasting all of this funding?
Bit extreme don't you think? A joke? I'd bet "most" are placing kids at some damn good universities and none are only graduating 45% of their students.

I will admit I was extreme with that statement but I think most catholic schools in the state are not the Delbartons of the world.
If this was true, most parents wouldn't pay all that extra money to send them to these schools. Agree with the special needs part.

Plus, do you really think they're worse than all these public inner city schools where we are wasting all of this funding?

If a kid can get out of inner city schools (public or catholic) I think it is always the best.
I will admit I was extreme with that statement but I think most catholic schools in the state are not the Delbartons of the world.
Of course not but you need Camden type money to send your kid to Delbarton.
Of course not but you need Camden type money to send your kid to Delbarton.

Urban schools swallow money up. I agree some is wasted. We had to spend 10 million in district last year just so we could have working heat in buildings. We also had to spend 12 million just so we could have internet in every building. One of our buildings can not have computers because the electric needs to be completely redone (if you turn on a light and a fan the circuit trips).

I agree we probably have too many administrators, and we over pay for some of the programs that come in, but we have so many issues that we need that money for. My kids come to school with nothing. I get pencils and paper donated just to cover what I need in my room. Cutting our funding will not help the kids at all.
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Urban schools swallow money up. I agree some is wasted. We had to spend 10 million in district last year just so we could have working heat in buildings. We also had to spend 12 million just so we could have internet in every building. One of our buildings can not have computers because the electric needs to be completely redone (if you turn on a light and a fan the circuit trips).

I agree we probably have too many administrators, and we over pay for some of the programs that come in, but we have so many issues that we need that money for. My kids come to school with nothing. I get pencils and paper donated just to cover what I need in my room. Cutting our funding will not help the kids at all.
Did all that money come out of abbot finances? Do the towns have no responsibility for the upkeep of their property? Again, his proposal clearly shows how many of the districts have the money they just choose to spend it on local government and let us foot their bill.