Hey Buddy, I have no problem going back and forth in a factual discussion of the plusses and minuses of EVs. If you want to read through this thread, you will see that. Are EVs perfect? Of course not. It's a nascent technology that is rapidly evolving. There will be problems and growing pains. The same way there were growing pains when catalytic converters were required on gasoline and diesel powered vehicles. It took many years to perfect the technology.
Cali has been behaving like an uniformed dumbass, doing nothing but lobbing insults and presenting wildly incorrect information without any backup, which is par for the course for him. I have no patience or kindness for masterbaiters like him. He and his jolly gang of misfits pull the same crap in the weather threads.
It's laughable that you ask us to present replies matter of factly. See the cost savings I posed above regarding savings on fuel/gas, maintenance, etc over the life of the vehicle. Someone said the batteries will "die" in 8 years. There are no facts to back that up.
I'm also not in favor of government mandates. I think that they have turned a large group of people against the whole notion of EVs. At heart, I'm a libertarian, favoring minimal to no government intrusion into peoples' lives. However, we took full advantage of the incentives and $$$ offered by the federal and state government to make buying an EV pickup truck very affordable. We did the math and it made too much sense for has.
Good evening to you.