OT: How far do you go to catch non- pooper scooper

No need to save the poop.

Do you live in a house, apt, or condo? I have found with condo developments some units have renters who don't show as much care for the rules. I had a renter near me once who would walk his dog at night when no one was around and not pick up the poop. I saw him through my window a few times.
Does your town have laws as such dealing with this?
No need to save the poop.

Do you live in a house, apt, or condo? I have found with condo developments some units have renters who don't show as much care for the rules. I had a renter near me once who would walk his dog at night when no one was around and not pick up the poop. I saw him through my window a few times.

That was YOU ? Didn't you see me wave ?
Rub it in the dogs face, I mean after all, it is his/hers.
I'm investing $500 bucks into some cameras to catch this Mother Effer who keeps dropping deuces on my lawn.

I have saved the entire bag of poop over the last few weeks and when i track the prick down, i will smear all the poop on his house.

End of Rant

people think you're nuts until something like this happens to you

this happened to us a few years ago...I called the town to understand what I could do...and essentially, the answer is nothing unless you can prove very clearly who it is.

luckily, the piece of sh!t (pun intended) who was doing this moved away.

good luck man.
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people think you're nuts until something like this happens to you

this happened to us a few years ago...I called the town to understand what I could do...and essentially, the answer is nothing unless you can prove very clearly who it is.

luckily, the piece of sh!t (pun intended) who was doing this moved away.

good luck man.
yeah its excessive. I'm fine if you happened to forget a bag and turd is left behind but i literally have 2-3 each day. And i live in CA so its not like my front yard is huge.
That was YOU ? Didn't you see me wave ?

ha - it was definitely not the poop of a little Shih Tzu (your profile pic). A big Shih Tzu poop is smaller than a small big dog poop. Now if the dog has diarrhea we need to make sure the poop is on a common lawn area and it rains the next day to wash it away,.
ha - it was definitely not the poop of a little Shih Tzu (your profile pic). A big Shih Tzu poop is smaller than a small big dog poop. Now if the dog has diarrhea we need to make sure the poop is on a common lawn area and it rains the next day to wash it away,.

Of course I'm just kidding. I've been following my dog around for over eight years now and never once have I left a deposit. Although there have been a few times when I forgot the bags and had to improvise.
I don't understand the cretins who let their dog dump and leave it. And there are signs all over my town alerting people to their potential liability. I guess some people can't read.
I'm investing $500 bucks into some cameras to catch this Mother Effer who keeps dropping deuces on my lawn.

I have saved the entire bag of poop over the last few weeks and when i track the prick down, i will smear all the poop on his house.

End of Rant

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A few years ago a friend of mine was walking his dog. The dog did his business and my friend picked it up in a bag and dropped it in a trash can. A couple of blocks later the dog decided that he enjoyed it so much he wanted to go again. Unfortunately my friend didn't have another bag and left the deposit where it lay. The homeowner saw it, called the cops who happened to be nearby and my friend ended up in municipal court. Close to $400 in fines later he learned his lesson -- he always walks his dog with at least two plastic bags in his pocket.
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Drives me nuts when people let their dogs urinate right in the middle of the side walk.

I'll be sure to let my dog wiz on your mailbox next time.

OP - I believe you should go full-blown commando, camo up and wait for the perp in a tree with a bucket full of something so nasty he'll never come anywhere near your property again.

If it makes you feel better, I just found out that my dog had diarrhea pretty hard all over the basement. He tries to get as far away from the main part of the house as he can, which is nice thinking on his part. Problem is, that means he squats up against the exterior wall and fires all over the wall, molding and floor, leaving the worst possible aftermath. So, I'll trade cleanups with you if you'd like.
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I've called the police on "repeat offenders," when we lived in Union City just off Park, and you do know who they are! Some of these people didn't give 2 shits - lol - but felt it was their right since they lived their longer than those of us in newer buildings, et al.
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A few years ago a friend of mine was walking his dog. The dog did his business and my friend picked it up in a bag and dropped it in a trash can. A couple of blocks later the dog decided that he enjoyed it so much he wanted to go again. Unfortunately my friend didn't have another bag and left the deposit where it lay. The homeowner saw it, called the cops who happened to be nearby and my friend ended up in municipal court. Close to $400 in fines later he learned his lesson -- he always walks his dog with at least two plastic bags in his pocket.
This happened to me the other day, except I brought 2 and she went 3 times. I found a plastic bottle in the street cut off the top with my keys and scooped it into the bottom half of the bottle.
An experienced dog owner/walk has poop bags in every coat, sweatshirt, and sweatpant pocket. Every single one. At this point my dog walks me 3 times a week day, and 4times a weekend day. We have a nice, big fenced in yard, but for some reason he loves the walk. I guess he's looking for action.
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This happened to me the other day, except I brought 2 and she went 3 times. I found a plastic bottle in the street cut off the top with my keys and scooped it into the bottom half of the bottle.

Hat tip to you. That's the point I'd throw a rock on it and slink away quickly with a quick glance at the windows to make sure no one saw.
Suggest you get a large paper bag and fill it with your enormous collection. Wait until Mischief night and place the bag on the alleged front porch. Light the bag on fire and then ring the doorbell.

Option A - depart.
Option B - declare who you are and claim your right of vengeance.
A few years ago a friend of mine was walking his dog. The dog did his business and my friend picked it up in a bag and dropped it in a trash can. A couple of blocks later the dog decided that he enjoyed it so much he wanted to go again. Unfortunately my friend didn't have another bag and left the deposit where it lay. The homeowner saw it, called the cops who happened to be nearby and my friend ended up in municipal court. Close to $400 in fines later he learned his lesson -- he always walks his dog with at least two plastic bags in his pocket.
It takes special love for your dog to pick up its turds with your hand through a thin plastic bag. I don't have a dog, and if I ever get one, I certainly ain't picking up turds with my hand.
I have 1 to 2 emergency bags tied to the leash for pee walks. When going for the longer poop walk I grab the roll of bags. My little guy is usually good for 1 to 2 but sometimes when constipated or not feeling well he does a lot more. Those are also the ones that comes out liquidy and can't be picked up easily.
It takes special love for your dog to pick up its turds with your hand through a thin plastic bag. I don't have a dog, and if I ever get one, I certainly ain't picking up turds with my hand.

It's the best option. A pooper scooper might seem more dignified, but unless it's a very solid turd, that gets messy in a hurry. Plus instead of just carrying a tightly tied bag of crap around, now you're carrying an open, crap-covered scooper.
Thankfully my dog has stage freight. Never, ever, goes outside of her dog run. She doesn't even pee on a walk.
We have the same problem. we fenced 3/4 of our yard because we own dogs and like to let them get out and run. The problem is that the fence had to be 10 ft off the road with is a frequently used road for dog walkers. Once the fence went up- these people make a stupid assumption that this is not your property so they act like they dont care if their dog poops, pees or whatever else. including garbage thrown on the lawn as well. A few times we even found landscapers sitting all over our lawn eating lunch and taking naps. It took a while but we started to run outside when we saw someone was about to walk though this area with a dog and stop them and ask why they felt they had a right to even walk their dog on private property much less crap on it. made one guy pick up the crap with a leaf. Their usual response was always "oh, I didnt realize anyone owned this property" my response was- yeah, the town does a great job of maintaining it and I'm glad they even installed a sprinkler system on it.
Bottom line- there are just a lot of people with no fuxing consideration of others property.
It takes special love for your dog to pick up its turds with your hand through a thin plastic bag. I don't have a dog, and if I ever get one, I certainly ain't picking up turds with my hand. IS a special love. And the bags I use aren't so thin. And from reading this thread I'm beginning to realize how fortunate I am that my dog takes care of his business pretty much on schedule and rarely has the messy kind of crap that some in this thread have described. The little guy also has almost no bad habits.
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i will give my 2 cents. You have two options, if you can not find the perp. First, put up a sign at both ends of your property that the lawn was chemically treated and will be harmful to animals. If you do not want that, if you live in a development, type up a note and put a copy in everyone's mailbox. Be courteous bu blunt. It worked for us. This way you don't have to worry who the real perp is, but your point gets across.
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It takes special love for your dog to pick up its turds with your hand through a thin plastic bag. I don't have a dog, and if I ever get one, I certainly ain't picking up turds with my hand.
People wipe their baby's poopy butt with their hands yuk!
There was this one annoying guy who would purposely cross the street- the other side of the street from our perfectly manicured lawn is a parking lot for a deli...he always crossed with his little turd of a dog, let the damn thing shit and piss on our lawn and also get our two dogs all riled up if they are outside. Our Boxer is afraid of her own shadow but loves to run up to the fence to bark like crazy at other dogs. Our German Shepherd, different story...he is a 100lb Alpha male. He will not bite another dog but will put them in a death grip until they understand who is boss.
Well, after 3 times of asking this guy nicely to not only pick up the poop but please walk his dog on the other side of the street because his dog works ours up...he decides to walk it on our lawn again...Boxer starts barking up a storm and this dude is figuring "no big deal, she is on the other side of the fence" our Shepherd get furious and actually pushes himself through our damn fence. This was a brand new pool rated fence so it only has 4 inch slots. Before the guy realizes it, he has 100lbs of furry holding his dog down to the ground 'on our property!' he has the balls to call the cops and what he got for his efforts is a lashing from the officer who asked if we wanted to press charges on him for trespassing. What sucked is that protocol is that our dog had to be put on quarantine for 10 days. Guy no longers walks his dog past our house at all
I'm investing $500 bucks into some cameras to catch this Mother Effer who keeps dropping deuces on my lawn.

I have saved the entire bag of poop over the last few weeks and when i track the prick down, i will smear all the poop on his house.

End of Rant

You're saying a grown man is sh!tting on your lawn ? I used to know a guy who did something similar to his ex-boss. He had one of those morning SL paper routes that happened to bring him to his ex-boss' neighborhood (Avenel, iirc). Swung by on numerous occasions and took crap on the guy's sidewalk until one morning the guy was waiting for. Long story short he got arrested and served 60 days in the joint