OT: How far do you go to catch non- pooper scooper

Sorry for the segway but this is incorrect... dog piss has nitrogen which burns grass (each dog's diet is diffent so they have different levels of nitrogen).. One piss is enough to yellow grass. Females get the bad rap because they squat. Best thing you can do is immediately water the area to dilute the nitrogen.
Honestly, I haven't seen the scorched earth you speak of, but I'll take your word for it. I just think it's funny that people get bent about a little dog pee when some of them carpet bomb their lawns with pesticides.
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Ummm no- especially female dogs. Single pee on the lawn crests a nice yellow burn on the lawn...
WB- what would make someone even think to open a garbage can on someone else's private property and dispose of any garbage? I don't care if it is a McDonald's wrapper or dog crap...bring your garbage home or take to a public can...I seriously don't understand you guys.
And I am not a dog hater, I have two dogs that are children to me. I just happen to respect other people's property and expect them to respect mine
I'm only talking about cans on the street waiting to be emptied. I didn't see someone post where people are coming onto others property to use their garbage cans. If that's the case it's 100% wrong. But that's not what I'm talking about.
If its trash in front of your house and they are making the street look nice would you rather them to leave it alone or use your can?
As for myself if you read my first post about the future Olympic sport of Poop Bag Toss I only use mine home court "goal"
Honestly, I haven't seen the scorched earth you speak of, but I'll take your word for it. I just think it's funny that people get bent about a little dog pee when some of them carpet bomb their lawns with pesticides.
don't confuse whats good for the environment with that... People who are annoyed want a perfectly cultivated green grass. I can understand that people take pride in a good looking lawn. I dont care as much about that, i just dont want turds all of the place that i have to look out for and pick up. However, growing up as a kid with a parent who was a grass nazi, i can tell you our dog ruined his lawn with a few sprinkles.. we had to create a designated area. Whats crazy is that you dont actually realize the grass holds the dirt in place....First came the yellow burn, then the grass died, then it was gone, and after rains and winds the dirt blew away so the dogg piss area eventually became a minefield. LOL
don't confuse whats good for the environment with that... People who are annoyed want a perfectly cultivated green grass. I can understand that people take pride in a good looking lawn. I dont care as much about that, i just dont want turds all of the place that i have to look out for and pick up. However, growing up as a kid with a parent who was a grass nazi, i can tell you our dog ruined his lawn with a few sprinkles.. we had to create a designated area. Whats crazy is that you dont actually realize the grass holds the dirt in place....First came the yellow burn, then the grass died, then it was gone, and after rains and winds the dirt blew away so the dogg piss area eventually became a minefield. LOL
Ha! Lawn Nazi! Your dog meant business back in the day.
Fair enough, although I haven't seen it, but I have had mainly male dogs with the exception of long ago. I agree with you about all the other stuff. I had someone actually sneak their house garbage into mine overnight because they were too cheap to pay for pick-up.

What's the deal with your property? Does it extend all the way to the street and there is no public space? If that's the case you may need some signage to prevent this from happening in the future.
Thanks for a reasonable response. So, my propert on the road most people walk their dog is my side yard. It is about 300 ft with a burm running the full length set 10ft into my propert line with 30ft pines on it and 3/4 of it fenced, also 10ft in. Lawn is perfectly manicured. No sidewalk or walkway on my side. In other words, only way to walk on my side is on my lawn. A couple of people on here have seen it. Other side of the road is a deli with a parking lot that extends almost as far as my propert and walkway. Less then 100 ft past my propert line on my side is a small common area and another 100yds from there is another common area with a designated dog path. I have put signs on my fence and even the common areas have signs to pick up after your dog- $500 fine. The ONLY reason to walk my property line is to specifically have your dog use it as a bathroom. On top of all this, there are no apartments in my area so everyone walking their dog has a private residence with yard and as stated, there are enough common areas designated for dogs.
don't confuse whats good for the environment with that... People who are annoyed want a perfectly cultivated green grass. I can understand that people take pride in a good looking lawn. I dont care as much about that, i just dont want turds all of the place that i have to look out for and pick up. However, growing up as a kid with a parent who was a grass nazi, i can tell you our dog ruined his lawn with a few sprinkles.. we had to create a designated area. Whats crazy is that you dont actually realize the grass holds the dirt in place....First came the yellow burn, then the grass died, then it was gone, and after rains and winds the dirt blew away so the dogg piss area eventually became a minefield. LOL
Although it was unintentional to prevent killing grass. I started training Scarlet to walk at a heel in the roads by my house and at Washington Crossing State Park. Eliminating other dogs, animals smells makes it easier for the dog to concentrate while being trained. The side effect was that she has no problem doing her business in the street. The few times she has peed in the yard it definitely killed the grass.
Thanks for a reasonable response. So, my propert on the road most people walk their dog is my side yard. It is about 300 ft with a burm running the full length set 10ft into my propert line with 30ft pines on it and 3/4 of it fenced, also 10ft in. Lawn is perfectly manicured. No sidewalk or walkway on my side. In other words, only way to walk on my side is on my lawn. A couple of people on here have seen it. Other side of the road is a deli with a parking lot that extends almost as far as my propert and walkway. Less then 100 ft past my propert line on my side is a small common area and another 100yds from there is another common area with a designated dog path. I have put signs on my fence and even the common areas have signs to pick up after your dog- $500 fine. The ONLY reason to walk my property line is to specifically have your dog use it as a bathroom. On top of all this, there are no apartments in my area so everyone walking their dog has a private residence with yard and as stated, there are enough common areas designated for dogs.
So in other words, they should know better at this point, correct?
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my problem with people not picking up their dogs poop is my dog LOVES to eat crap!!! I have to watch him like a hawk. I wish I had the video of my wife trying to pry my dogs mouth open to dig the poop out of his mouth.

I always have 3 or 4 poop bags on me just in case.
btw, it's not a dog pooping on your lawn,
it's hankey the christmas've been kidnapping him by putting him in a bag...shame on you
That's Mr. Hankey to you!

my problem with people not picking up their dogs poop is my dog LOVES to eat crap!!! I have to watch him like a hawk. I wish I had the video of my wife trying to pry my dogs mouth open to dig the poop out of his mouth.

I always have 3 or 4 poop bags on me just in case.

Why would you want that video?

I had a rescue dog that did that - learned to in order to survive. You don't try to pry it out. As Cousin Eddie would warn, "If he does lay into [it], it's best just to let him finish."
When I had my dog (she sadly passed away last year), I would carry newspaper ripped in half in addition to the bags. When she squatted to poop, I would slide the newspaper under her so she pooped right on the paper. Picked up the paper, put it into the bag. Poop never even touched neighbors lawns.....
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When I had my dog (she sadly passed away last year), I would carry newspaper ripped in half in addition to the bags. When she squatted to poop, I would slide the newspaper under her so she pooped right on the paper. Picked up the paper, put it into the bag. Poop never even touched neighbors lawns.....
Who buys a newspapers snymore?? ;)
You could always pull the news up on your iPad and use that. No threat of crumpling like newspaper :okay:
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When I had my dog (she sadly passed away last year), I would carry newspaper ripped in half in addition to the bags. When she squatted to poop, I would slide the newspaper under her so she pooped right on the paper. Picked up the paper, put it into the bag. Poop never even touched neighbors lawns.....
At last we've found a use for the Star Ledger!
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my problem with people not picking up their dogs poop is my dog LOVES to eat crap!!! I have to watch him like a hawk. I wish I had the video of my wife trying to pry my dogs mouth open to dig the poop out of his mouth.

I always have 3 or 4 poop bags on me just in case.

Dogs are stupid animals. Loyal but stupid. You'd never catch a cat eating poopie. I have 5 cats and 2 dogs. Not a dog hater just prefer cats
OK don't laugh but I had a problem with my neighbors cats pooping on my lawn, daily.
I try like heck to maintain a nice lawn but this went too far, and we called the neighbor / owner who promised to keep the cats in the house. Well that lasted three days and it started again, every single day. I got sick and tired of cleaning it up and it was causing yellow spots all over. And it got in to the lawn mower, lawn bag, etc.
What to do? Get a dog?
I called the police and they suggested calling Animal Control. I got a Hav-a-Heart trap and set a can of tuna in it, and bam! nailed the cat in a day. A.C. came by and took the hissing cat away.
Two days later, more cat poop.
Set the trap again and got another kitty. Called A.C. and they took this cat away.
Nope, more poop within a week. Set the trap again, same deal.
Three cats and now the problem is done, I hope.
I saw a new cat yesterday cross the yard.....:uzi:
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Every day this forum reminds me I'm glad I left NJ. Too little space for too many a-holes. You just animal controlled your neighbor's cat because it de-manicured your precious lawn. D@ck move.
Calling dogs stupid animals makes you a hater. You have 5 animals that poopie in the house. Who is the stupid one??

Cats poopie in the litter box and bury it. They have no other choice. Very clean sophisticated animals. Last week one of my dopey dogs goes out, then proceeds to poopie on the carpet an hour later. Didn't even have the sense to poopie on the kitchen floor which is tile and easier to clean. They are dumb animals.
OK don't laugh but I had a problem with my neighbors cats pooping on my lawn, daily.
I try like heck to maintain a nice lawn but this went too far, and we called the neighbor / owner who promised to keep the cats in the house. Well that lasted three days and it started again, every single day. I got sick and tired of cleaning it up and it was causing yellow spots all over. And it got in to the lawn mower, lawn bag, etc.
What to do? Get a dog?
I called the police and they suggested calling Animal Control. I got a Hav-a-Heart trap and set a can of tuna in it, and bam! nailed the cat in a day. A.C. came by and took the hissing cat away.
Two days later, more cat poop.
Set the trap again and got another kitty. Called A.C. and they took this cat away.
Nope, more poop within a week. Set the trap again, same deal.
Three cats and now the problem is done, I hope.
I saw a new cat yesterday cross the yard.....:uzi:

Wow...what a douche you are.
Cats poopie in the litter box and bury it. They have no other choice. Very clean sophisticated animals. Last week one of my dopey dogs goes out, then proceeds to poopie on the carpet an hour later. Didn't even have the sense to poopie on the kitchen floor which is tile and easier to clean. They are dumb animals.

Look who's talking.
Every day this forum reminds me I'm glad I left NJ. Too little space for too many a-holes. You just animal controlled your neighbor's cat because it de-manicured your precious lawn. D@ck move.
I have an acre all properties require a minimum half acre. As for your comment to the person with the cats- ITS HIS FUXING PROPERTY he takes care of and pays for taking care of his lawn. WTFvis wrong with some of you?
What i said I pick you up to take you to a game and said I don't eat drink or smoke in my car. But since you are ok with everyone eating in your car and may even have to take the old McDonalds garbage off the seat, you thought I was wrong. Or you are the guy when I ask you to remove your shoes in my house and you think I am the asshole. Sorry, do what you legally want on your lawn, car, house but respect mine. Rest assured, my dog will not relieve themselves on your lawn, I will not throw my garbage in your can, I will not eat drink or smoke in your car and my shoes are off before I enter your home..,
Cats poopie in the litter box and bury it. They have no other choice. Very clean sophisticated animals. Last week one of my dopey dogs goes out, then proceeds to poopie on the carpet an hour later. Didn't even have the sense to poopie on the kitchen floor which is tile and easier to clean. They are dumb animals.
I'll repeat. Your cats poopie in your house. You have zero control. Plus they pee in your house. The smell must be terrific to people that visit. Dogs are smart enough to hold it and go outside.
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1) in many towns, it's illegal to dump pet waste in the trash. To follow the letter of the law, you literally have to take the poop home & flush it down your toilet.

2) if your neighbor's dog is burning up your lawn, the dog isn't drinking enough water & is likely dehydrated. A properly hydrated dog's piss will be light yellow similar to a properly hydrated human's piss, and is completely safe for lawns. Point this out to your neighbor, and tell him you are concerned about the dog's health. Offer to buy him a bigger water dish if he's too cheap/poor to do it himself.

3) dogs eating crap isn't a defense mechanism. It's likely a nutrition deficient in his diet. You might be feeding him too many carbs & he's trying to adjust. I'd avoid the table scraps.
Cats poopie in the litter box and bury it. They have no other choice. Very clean sophisticated animals. Last week one of my dopey dogs goes out, then proceeds to poopie on the carpet an hour later. Didn't even have the sense to poopie on the kitchen floor which is tile and easier to clean. They are dumb animals.

Maybe it's just your dog. See my post way back in this thread. My dog goes out of his way to get as far away as physically possible when he does this (had diarrhea and no one home so no choice).

The cat I used to have, on the other hand, never learned to poop in the litter box properly - he'd do it if the litter box was immaculate but not if there was anything in there ... even a drop. So he pooped on the tile, rug, hardwood, wherever ... right up until I moved to a place with a cat door. Then he'd go outside, probably on Jabanero's lawn.

Long story short, I like both types of animals but both can be quite dumb and/or quite smart.
I have an acre all properties require a minimum half acre. As for your comment to the person with the cats- ITS HIS FUXING PROPERTY he takes care of and pays for taking care of his lawn. WTFvis wrong with some of you?
What i said I pick you up to take you to a game and said I don't eat drink or smoke in my car. But since you are ok with everyone eating in your car and may even have to take the old McDonalds garbage off the seat, you thought I was wrong. Or you are the guy when I ask you to remove your shoes in my house and you think I am the asshole. Sorry, do what you legally want on your lawn, car, house but respect mine. Rest assured, my dog will not relieve themselves on your lawn, I will not throw my garbage in your can, I will not eat drink or smoke in your car and my shoes are off before I enter your home..,

You misunderstand. I mean too many people, with entitled, self-aggrandizing attitudes, crammed into too small a state getting angry at each other about dumb sh*t. I laugh about some of the dumb sh*t I used to get worked up about, and "you messin wit my lawn" would NEVER have even made that list." Maybe it'll get better if they go through with legalization.

As for the guy's trap-and-impound story, is it okay if he shoots a trespasser (human, canine or otherwise) who missteps off the sidewalk and walks along the edge of his property, or can we agree there's some limitation to how far "it's my property .. waaaah" gets you? For the purposes of "good taste" and "neighborly relations," I'd draw that line somewhere up above sending your neighbor's cat to the pound because it discolored your lawn. Now if dude had said he warned neighbor that he was going to put out traps, then I'd have let it go. But he said nothing of the sort - talked to neighbor about the problem, then went straight to traps when it started up again. That's someone's (his neighbor's) pet, not a wild or stray animal. But maybe he was making the whole thing up .. hope so.

I'd file all this under "comes with living in a neighborhood, with other people." Sh*t happens, quite literally in this case (especially on hell strips). Litter, dog poop, people walking across your hell strip to get to their cars, etc. Let it go, commit to being a hermit that lives in a tiny home in the national forest, or prepare to keep telling stories about all the headaches you have shoeing landscapers and dog walkers away.
Really??? Holy crap! (pun intended) They have to wash out their garbage cans? Did the dog poop directly into the can??? The poop is contained in a plastic bag. Does the poop than become live and crawl out of the bag and spread all over? That maybe the dumbest complaint by dog haters I have ever heard. Remind them it's a "garbage" can not their dinner plates. Do they realize the rest of the crap that they put garbage can festers worse than dog poop in the heat!
My wife insists we hose out and sanitize our garbage and recycling cans after every pickup. She gets pissed if passers by drop garbage in our cans.
Every day this forum reminds me I'm glad I left NJ. Too little space for too many a-holes. You just animal controlled your neighbor's cat because it de-manicured your precious lawn. D@ck move.
Hey Fanu, hope the Jersey door hit u in the a$$ when u left.
Good riddance.
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"Douche" ?
They were taken care of legally, and given the opportunity to correct the issue.
Hope to seed you personally on the field.

What a douche.
You've forfeited your membership card in the human race.
My wife insists we hose out and sanitize our garbage and recycling cans after every pickup. She gets pissed if passers by drop garbage in our cans.
I'm guessing she goes through a boatload of hand sanitizer!
I'd hate to be outside this morning forced to wash out the cans in this cold weather.
I'm guessing she goes through a boatload of hand sanitizer!
I'd hate to be outside this morning forced to wash out the cans in this cold weather.
Zero on hand sanitizer. That craps horrible for you.