I read somewhere that their band name is a pun based on Chuck Berry’s name. That’s kind of funny.New Buckcherry from upcoming album-- great band-Josh Todd has a fantastic bluesy voice, and they just make fun rock songs:
Nice falsetto by The Edge. Bono looks a little ragged.
That's difficult to say, with many bands being on a 3 year layoff during the pandemic. But if popularity is measured by record "sales" (including downloads) and concert ticket sales, they seem to still be popularity. From Wikipedia, their last major tour: "The 2017 tour grossed $317 million, making it the year's highest-grossing tour globally, and it sold more than 2.71 million tickets to its 51 shows. In 2019, the band grossed $73.8 million and sold 567,000 tickets from 15 shows, bringing the two tours' cumulative gross to $390.8 million from 3.3 million tickets sold."Has any other group lost their popularity as much as U2
Might be a controversial take but heard others say this as well.
Bono has a few weeks of shows at Beacon theater and tickets are $300-400 and above.
U2 has a residency gig in Vegas coming-up (20K person space being built) . There will be a new Dutch drummer.
The rock genre in general is pretty retro.
Its harder to make money writing/recording and live tours are where the money is
But not all want to tour into their 60s
Bono had a bad bicycle crash in 2014 and he's had open heart surgery.
He's also married to the same woman since 1982 and has kids.
The is wife a beaut and he likes her ( and the kids look like models)
Some guys like a tour to party but not sure Bono is one.
One reason I'll go to MSG for The Cure is that they tour thew world all year and really like to play.
They sell arenas and the fans are very chill - wont see any fight gifs from a Cure gig
Bono adds shows to ‘Stories of Surrender’ run at Beacon Theatre
Bono adds shows to 'Stories of Surrender' run at Beacon Theatre
Bono’s 11-night run at the NYC venue will feature ”words, music and some mischief...”www.brooklynvegan.com
U2's The Edge speaks about Las Vegas residency
Some of their song titles are clever.
I don't follow them, but have liked what I have heard. A little story on the song and video:Some of their song titles are clever.
I like Belinda and am happy she’s back or still here or whatever.same age as Madonna, has had alot of plastic surgery and botox too but looks way better at 64
She's channeling Busta Rhymes:I like Belinda and am happy she’s back or still here or whatever.
Pleasant song; nice Botox, etc, but after just a line or two, to me it seems like she’s trying to sing too many words at time; like someone shoehorned in too many lyrics in each line.
Anyway she’s a pleasant surprise.
LOL. All the cliches in place for country music- twang, a horse and a truck. This captures every country music song, except replace "hound" with "horse."Lainey wilson...Heart Like A Truck
This is the song used in the Dodge Ram commercial we have all been seeing during the NCAA tourney. Love this
LOL. All the cliches in place for country music- twang, a horse and a truck. This captures every country music song, except replace "hound" with "horse."
There is much better stuff out there. Not even sure if he is truly country, but Chris Stapleton comes to mind.
Or Florida Georgia Line:
Alana Springsteen is interesting (not related to Bruce AFAIK):
Relax. It was funny. I gave it a listen, and I LOL'd. My brother is a musician (as was my father), and he spent years in Nashville pursuing writing and recording deals. I'm generally not a fan of country music, but there are some pretty good artists out there. I just laugh at cliches. Same for metal songs.Thank you..those are all great songs too
I didnt leave rock and roll. Rock and Roll left me
.i still love the Heart Like a Truck song..cliches so what...bruce springsteen is a cliche