If the right is not demanding infallibility, then what is the issue with Beyonce or Kendrick Lamar? I don't understand. And few on the right outside of Rand Paul have made any issue of militarization of departments like Ferguson, arresting journalists, etc. I have not heard even here in NJ where unions are Republican bugaboo #1 anything about the numerous instances of police malfeasance.
OTOH, I have not heard the "left" demonizing police. I've watched most of the Republican and Democratic debates and frankly aside from Trump I never heard boo about the police because outside of BLM and far right elements, it is understood that the police are not infallible.
Body cameras are great but that comes back to the media, and the media as RU fans we know quite well runs with video. Eric Garner's death was a bigger deal because it was caught on video- and in a twist that would make Putin or Hugo Chavez beam, the video taker was the one charged with a crime. Ferguson's main streets looking Tianenmen Square got international attention. This is 2016, blaming things on the media with the internet, a right wing TV channel AND Twitter Facebook et al where anyone and their mother is a journalist is sorry. If your side wants to win things as your own autopsy in 2012 points out, you need to take heed of that.
Again, this is an issue of small government and that's it. The "war on police" is not just made up but a reflection that conservatism in 2016 is at a crossroads, are you guys going to be about small government or historic supporters of the Republican party like the cop unions that protect people who kill and hurt others while taking a ton of our money to do it? Not for me to answer. You guys aren't going to win elections pretending the victims are the cops though, that's a promise.