How much of what?
Workload - What @gef21 referred to as garbage paperwork
Dumb down work
How much of what?
Anything that happens in the classroom or administratively is being driven by NJEA. No if ands or buts.
Would you say you have seen an increase in this type of behavior over the last 7 years specifically? Certainly more since Covid?So many wrong answers here. I have coworkers leaving in droves. It has nothing to do with the union. Zero percent. It really isn't about parents at board meetings. Teachers are oddly removed from board meetings.
The reason teachers are leaving is because the workload is unbearable. 95 is right. Admin continues to pile more on our plate and teachers burn out fast. Additionally, the parents are allowed to speak to teachers however they want, and they are given free reign. Parents tell us that their kids are gonna pass, so we are told to make it happen. The kids do nothing, and we have to either dumb down the work to a ridiculous level or change the grades to reflect work they didn't actually do. Discipline and structure are gone. Districts lie about fights, drugs, suspensions, etc to keep their reported numbers low. This puts teachers in an impossible position because it completely undermines our ability to hand out meaningful consequences.
In short, teachers are leaving because they are not supported. Not by parents and not by admins. Children are allowed to walk all over us. Sorry for the political comment, but this became a popular way to treat teachers when Chris Christie publicly bashed us for his entire term after saying he'd be a friend to teachers during his campaign.
Their salaries are outrageous. I do not understand why the members vote to approve them.I don't disagree about NJEA leaders' salaries. But the issues I'm talking about don't come from NJEA. They come from admins who are afraid of parents.
So to analyze, it’s the parents. Parents who complain to administrators and school boards who refuse to hold them in check and continue to pile on more work to teachers. Simultaneously we all know the ‘problem kids’ likely have some of the laziest POS parents imaginable who complain to the administrators about how everything but their kid and their parenting (or lack there of) is the issue.I am a teacher. I just changed jobs leaving public school and going private. COVID is not the main reason people are leaving.
1. Parent issues are a huge piece of teacher issues right now. Parents go to admin, the board, and the superintendent and get whatever they want. You can barely grade a kid or discipline a kid or not play a kid in sports without having some sort of investigation.
2. The pension is failing. It will not exist for many teachers.
3. The amount of garbage paperwork that is now involved with being a teacher, that has nothing to do with teaching, is absolutely mind boggling.
4. Teaching pay has not risen to match what teachers can make in the corporate world. I have many friends who left to work for companies like JnJ. They make more money, can work from home many days, and can be with their kids. Beyond pay not raising you get stuck at the top and get very little raises once you are there.
5. Teachers have been vilified for a while now. The amount if people becoming teachers is 25-50% of what it was 5 years ago.
I changed jobs because of crazy parents having too much influence, a lack of admin support with those crazy parents, I wanted to control more of my own retirement, and the pay.
The wage migration and influx of population is not retirees. It is families taking high paying jobs to Florida.Increasing population of white heads and retirees.. not people with children. People retire to Florida, they don’t move their families there. The number of children living in florida has not increased nearly at the rate of their population, again, retirees. Florida is a haven for baby boomers, not denying that.
Nope this is strictly their govenor attacking every teacher in the public school system at every opportunity, teachers in Florida are like ‘Nope! Not dealing with this’. Thus #1 in the country in number of teaching vacancies
You really believe that Florida’s increase in population is due to ‘Ultra wealthy Families’ moving in and not due to retirees???? Huuuuuuboy that’s comically innacurate. Oh Florida and specifically Ron Desantis’ attack on teachers have them in a situation more dire than anyone in the country. #1 in the country in teacher vacancies. Why is he popular in Florida? Take a look at the age demographics of Florida’s compared to the rest of the country….The wage migration and influx of population is not retirees. It is families taking high paying jobs to Florida.
This is one article from a couple of years ago.
But it rings true today.
Florida attracts more ultra-wealthy movers than any other state
It's the sunshine and tax
There is an article today from Bloomberg that is behind a paywall that speaks of the continuing wealth migration to the tune of $100 billion moving from the north-south. We are talking about an increase of $100 billion in earnings from South Carolina to Florida.
People are tired of paying huge tax bills and not having the quality of life they desire.
I would probably agree with that. Admins say these kids haven't had real school in so long due to covid that we have to basically let them do what they want. Meanwhile, we've been back in school for two years. I fear that this lack of respect for teachers is the new normal.Would you say you have seen an increase in this type of behavior over the last 7 years specifically? Certainly more since Covid?
Once again project! You said families are not moving to Florida I posted 2 sources that show a "Wage MIgration". Showing not just high wage earners but wage earners with families moving to Florida and other southern states. You do know that there will always be a spike in the 65-74 demo? Because you know people do retire there. But the largest growing demo is not the 65-74 demo. But I think you knew that. Wouldn't classify myself as a Trump supporter, But keep drinking the Biden Kool aid and see where this thing ends. I never once brought one side of the politics into this discussion but you can't stop.You really believe that Florida’s increase in population is due to ‘Ultra wealthy Families’ moving in and not due to retirees???? Huuuuuuboy that’s comically innacurate. Oh Florida and specifically Ron Desantis’ attack on teachers have them in a situation more dire than anyone in the country. #1 in the country in teacher vacancies. Why is he popular in Florida? Take a look at the age demographics of Florida’s compared to the rest of the country….
Florida: share of population by age group U.S. 2023 | Statista
In 2023, about 12.4 percent of the population in Florida was between 25 and 34 years
Pay special attention to the 45-54 demographics, 55-64 demographics, then the SPIKE in 65-74. That is retirees!!! The population of the country is much higher in the 45-64 age demographic than 65-74 (old people die). In conclusion if it were the ultra millionaire families as you suggested those numbers in the 45-64 age demographic would outweigh 65-74. They don’t..
But keep blaming everything else.
2024 is truly going to be hilarious.
Whataboutism is a heck of a way to try to twist a narrative you know you lost. Congratulations, that’s what your response was, nothing more than whataboutism.Once again project! You said families are not moving to Florida I posted 2 sources that show a "Wage MIgration". Showing not just high wage earners but wage earners with families moving to Florida and other southern states. You do know that there will always be a spike in the 65-74 demo? Because you know people do retire there. But the largest growing demo is not the 65-74 demo. But I think you knew that. Wouldn't classify myself as a Trump supporter, But keep drinking the Biden Kool aid and see where this thing ends. I never once brought one side of the politics into this discussion but you can't stop.
Twisting a narrative? You are a special human being. You stated only “white hairs are moving to Florida”. I showed that there has been a huge wealth/wage transfer to that state via working families but I lost the argument? Spectacular. You win the participation medal your generation craves. And what’s funny it’s that same generation which is the fastest growing demo in Florida.Whataboutism is a heck of a way to try to twist a narrative you know you lost. Congratulations, that’s what your response was, nothing more than whataboutism.
The reason for the teachers shortage IS political. How can one have a conversation about something where there is a core issue (teacher shortage) that was CLEARLY caused by one sides political motivation. Again it’s not about right and wrong, it’s about how do we get more qualified teachers. The answer is right in front of you, it’s just hard for any person to hear hear that it’s their entire political philosophy over the last 7 years that is the direct cause
Which those behaviors are undoubtably learned from their parents. Kids didn’t just wake up and become bad kids, over time (specifically the last few years) their parents have taken things to a new level in terms of disrespecting opinions they don’t like or agree with and the kids are simply reflecting those learned behaviors.I would probably agree with that. Admins say these kids haven't had real school in so long due to covid that we have to basically let them do what they want. Meanwhile, we've been back in school for two years. I fear that this lack of respect for teachers is the new normal.
Parents really don't attend board meetings to complain as much as the media would have you believe. They email and call.Which those behaviors are undoubtably learned from their parents. Kids didn’t just wake up and become bad kids, over time (specifically the last few years) their parents have taken things to a new level in terms of disrespecting opinions they don’t like or agree with and the kids are simply reflecting those learned behaviors.
I cannot believe how obvious this correlation is and how so many willingly refuse to see what’s right in front of them.
I bring up the board meetings because while teachers are pretty uninvolved there, that’s where the administrators hear the parents and add all this extra work and bs hoops to jump through.
I'm 38. 16 years teaching. Vested in the pension. But have always saved for retirement pretending the pension won't exist.If you don’t mind me asking…
- How old are you?
- How long a teacher?
- In public the whole time?
It will happen in Florida too.. the high taxes.The wage migration and influx of population is not retirees. It is families taking high paying jobs to Florida.
People are tired of paying huge tax bills and not having the quality of life they desire.
Shhh you can’t say this. It make too much sense. And you may offend someone.It will happen in Florida too.. the high taxes.
Florida is in a high growth period. Municipalities and counties with small number of retired workers and limited infrastructure to pay benefits for are expanding like crazy and they build stuff they have to maintain forever and hire accordingly and while the tax rolls are benefitting from this period of low overhead, you just KNOW that there will be politicians wanting to spend that excess money (even with low tax rates) and reward workers and so on.
At some point, the growth will move to another region or even a different municipality or county and the projected growth they used to base their spending on will crash. But they will have the financial burden of those decisions.
Now, in the union-friendly blue states.. with sweetheart deals between politicians and public worker unions.. that burden is much heavier.. but that, too, might come to Florida... especially in blue cities. Then you'll have red counties and the red state stuck with the burden of failing blue cities.. because, you know.. the voters!.. oh, I meant.. the people!.. the children!
But, keep in mind, I could be wrong. Florida could, possibly, keep a watchful eye out that this does not happen... And yet, I think the odds are that it will.Shhh you can’t say this. It make too much sense. And you may offend someone.
Smart.👍I'm 38. 16 years teaching. Vested in the pension. But have always saved for retirement pretending the pension won't exist.
So I'm early enough in that making a big jump isn't super risky, but I will have some pension (if it doesn't collapse) when I retire.
If you blindly click on a thread title you can sometimes read a dozen or more messages and not come close to guessing what the thread is about in ten tries. Would make a great drinking gameHow did a thread on property tax cuts for seniors get into teachers and transgendered people? Senior citizens now have by far the highest net worth of any group in America and massive amounts of money go to Social Security and Medicare, plus they are frequent recipients of aid through poverty programs. I don't see why they would be a priority for more help. New Jersey, like many states, needs to stop the exodus of young people leaving because housing is too expensive.
Yea, that was a dumb rumor. Not true.bad teaching pool, admin that is corrupt to the core, and leftist policies
blame the parents all you want but when a teacher tells a kid he's wrong for telling another he/she is a freak to a kid who thinks he/she is a cat then you know the whole system is fked
2 high schools in NJ have litter boxes in the bathrooms for 'cat kids'
We have some people seething with rage over certain.subjects, like trans people. It doesn't take much to get them to spit bile.If you blindly click on a thread title you can sometimes read a dozen or more messages and not come close to guessing what the thread is about in ten tries. Would make a great drinking game
You are just a walking political commercial. You know it all, your opinion is the only one that matters, and anyone that disagrees with you must be an idiot. Grow up.Uhhh of course young people are the fastest growing demo, they are in EVERY state. We’re talking about Florida’s population increase which is retirees moving in! I brought up Florida because Ron Desantis is the living embodiment of why there is a teacher shortage, thus why his state ranks DEAD LAST in teacher vacancies! Retirees die, people have been dying off in Florida for years and more and more keep moving down!
What’s this about a participation trophy? You reaching for buzzwords now that you are trying to explain your way out of the teacher crises being directly attributed to the GOP? Sucks to hear the truth but yea, the GOP is the exclusive reason for the teacher shortage. Congratulations, you have screwed children over by voting GOP the last 7 years!
Again, I understand it’s hard hearing your side is the entire cause for the teacher shortage which is being backed up by the actual teachers posting in this thread. But of course in today’s media you aren’t used to hearing what you don’t want to even when it’s staring you in the face.You are just a walking political commercial. You know it all, your opinion is the only one that matters, and anyone that disagrees with you must be an idiot. Grow up.
You must be about three years old. You have no idea what my thoughts are on the teachers shortage, because I didn’t state them. All I see is someone that claims their opinion as fact, and vilifies anyone that disagrees. I am a firm believer that moderates (on either side of the aisle) have much more in common than they do in contrast. You sir, are everything that is wrong with America today.Again, I understand it’s hard hearing your side is the entire cause for the teacher shortage which is being backed up by the actual teachers posting in this thread. But of course in today’s media you aren’t used to hearing what you don’t want to even when it’s staring you in the face.
Yup I am a know it all when it comes to this, and I’m going to continue to call out the idiots who are ruining kids education.
Twist it however you want, the numbers are the numbers
so he's a liberal/lefty loon...lolYou are just a walking political commercial. You know it all, your opinion is the only one that matters, and anyone that disagrees with you must be an idiot. Grow up.
no one on here worse than the Schianophobes (greg is the savior, never wrong, build the alter) lolWe have some people seething with rage over certain.subjects, like trans people. It doesn't take much to get them to spit bile.
Schianophiles, though at least that's on topicno one on here worse than the Schianophobes (greg is the savior, never wrong, build the alter) lol
Lol, so you’ve never seen me post. Because I’m the single biggest Schiano hater in this one on here worse than the Schianophobes (greg is the savior, never wrong, build the alter) lol
They have treatment for your TDS.So to analyze, it’s the parents. Parents who complain to administrators and school boards who refuse to hold them in check and continue to pile on more work to teachers. Simultaneously we all know the ‘problem kids’ likely have some of the laziest POS parents imaginable who complain to the administrators about how everything but their kid and their parenting (or lack there of) is the issue.
But I’ll take it a step further and call out the further ‘elephant’ (irony) in the room that I don’t expect you to as a teacher (nor should you be expected to) will call out but likely know…. Take special notice of what side of the political aisle the posters who don’t agree it’s the parents come from…. You said it yourself that in the last 5 years the numbers of new teachers has dropped substantially… what’s the common denominator?😉. And yea certain people said it can’t be because of a single person, when in reality we are now starting to feel the real effects of how much that asshole did to society.
oh yea? where's that? Newsmax? lolThey have treatment for your TDS.
I have noticed what a crack up job the public school teachers have done in Baltimore. It seems to me even more of them should leave the profession.Oh we don’t disagree at all about the unions agenda. Where we disagree is that’s the cause of more teachers leaving now than prior. I unapologetically will state it’s the parents weaponizing school boards for political agendas more than anything else that has caused that number to spike, specifically since Covid
I'm 38. 16 years teaching. Vested in the pension. But have always saved for retirement pretending the pension won't exist.
So I'm early enough in that making a big jump isn't super risky, but I will have some pension (if it doesn't collapse) when I retire.
Again, I understand it’s hard hearing your side is the entire cause for the teacher shortage which is being backed up by the actual teachers posting in this thread. But of course in today’s media you aren’t used to hearing what you don’t want to even when it’s staring you in the face.
Yup I am a know it all when it comes to this, and I’m going to continue to call out the idiots who are ruining kids education.
Twist it however you want, the numbers are the numbers
NoCan you get a lump sum distribution now and roll it over into rollover IRA?
And replace them with who exactly? Because people are lining up to work in the Baltimore city school system where teachers get beat up on a daily basis… yea that’s the solution!I have noticed what a crack up job the public school teachers have done in Baltimore. It seems to me even more of them should leave the profession.
I can take a lump sum with a 20 percent hit for taxes.Can you get a lump sum distribution now and roll it over into rollover IRA?
Senior citizens aren’t the ones that need help. Many are sitting on hundreds of thousands of dollars of assets not to mention SS income, perhaps pension income. It’s the working class dude making $20/hour at best at a warehouse raising a kid or two that needs some help. But as usual, everything the government does is backwards, especially in backwards NJGood job by the Governor in helping out our senior citizens.