I'm striking out searching the Internet. I'm looking for restaurants with unique menu items similar to clydz with things like alligator, Python and rabbit. Anywhere in NYC, NJ or Phi...anyone have a recommendation?
Can't beat The Lambertville Station's Wild Game Nights...
First place I thought of.
I ate there today - love that place - but can't figure out why anyone would suggest it for what the op asked for...First place I thought of.
I had that one today, but it's just duck sausage and it tastes, well, like sausage (yes it has confit on it), so it's fairly unique, but not "wild game" unique, like Clydz, which is what the OP is looking for.I think a duck hot dog is pretty unique, no?
I'm striking out searching the Internet. I'm looking for restaurants with unique menu items similar to clydz with things like alligator, Python and rabbit. Anywhere in NYC, NJ or Phi...anyone have a recommendation?